Pole Vault's Big Break Through

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Pole Vault's Big Break Through

Unread postby mtsky » Fri Dec 14, 2007 4:06 am

Hello everyone, i came across this today on stuczynski's web site in the "Coaches Corner" section (Coach Suhr's blog area). This is huge for the pole vault and a major break through using a pole vaulter to lead the way in marketing for track and field and sports. The blog read; "Wow! What a great recognition for the pole vault. The promotion of Jenn with Nutrilite will be a big mover for track and field. Nutrilite has done a 1 st- class multi-tiered campaign of Jenn including a magnitude of investment, utilization of resources, and contribution to the recognition of their products and the pole vault. We have been on location in the Miami Florida area for two weeks. Jenn has helped to launch one of the largest marketing's of a track athlete ever. With the production of day time and night time national commercials to be aired on CBC, ESPN, and ESPN2 along with photo shoots yielding 11 full length page ads in 11 major cities. In addition, Jenn made four appearances and signed nearly 6,000 autographs to Independent Business Owners (IBO's) from all over North America in just 14 days. Both commercials and major newspaper endorsements will be in the cities of 4 of the biggest U.S. track ,meets with airtime during the meets. This is the big break and recognition pole vault has been looking for. Jenn has led the way with her performance of 16 ft. on the runway and now she is leading the way for her event and her sport. Exposing millions of national viewers and readers to pole vault and track and field, Jenn will become a commonly recognized figure in sport. Track will become front page news while endorsing Nutrilite products. The resources, planning, production, investment, and effort put into this by Nutrilite is incredible. Jenn's contribution and influence to the pole vault and track through this will have huge impact. We would like to thank Nutrilite for recognizing our sport and it's incredible commitment in producing a top notch campaign for Jenn and a line of products unequalled."
The images came courtesy of jenniferstuczynski.com (I was able to grab some images off the site, and there were more on there from her commercial shoot as well) enjoy. MTY
http://i256.photobucket.com/albums/hh17 ... ida088.jpg
http://i256.photobucket.com/albums/hh17 ... ida036.jpg

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