Happy Birthday Wladyslaw Kozakiewicz

A forum to discuss pole vaulting related things of a historical nature.
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Pogo Stick
PV Pro
Posts: 427
Joined: Tue Sep 25, 2007 11:42 pm
Expertise: Former "College" Vaulter, Masters Vaulter
Lifetime Best: 4.70/15'5
Favorite Vaulter: Władysław Kozakiewicz
Location: Vancouver, Canada; Split, Croatia

Happy Birthday Wladyslaw Kozakiewicz

Unread postby Pogo Stick » Fri Dec 07, 2007 4:00 pm

Wladyslaw Kozakiewicz, the famous Polish vaulter was born on Dec 08
1953. He broke the world record 3 times, and he was the Olympics
champion from 1980 (with gold and world record!). He was the man who achieved one of the greatest victory in the history of the Track & Field (sorry Agapit :-)). It was something like Jessie Owens triumph in Berlin 1936. His famous guesture to Moscow public was something very brave at this time and sweet revenge to Russian crowd: (http://www.polskaludowa.com/wydarzenia/Kozakiewicz.htm).

Here is another picture with famous Bruce Caldwel's Fibersport pole:

You can see Kozakiewicz very shortly in the action here:
(almost at the end, the only black & white clip). I am almost 100% this is jump from 1980 Olympics.[/url]

What else to say? He was my hero.
-- Pogo

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