hay pit

A forum to discuss everything to do with pole vaulting equipment: poles, pits, spikes, etc.

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Unread postby txpolevaulter_k25 » Sun Jul 15, 2007 2:02 pm

strato wrote:Safety should always be the first consideration. This is not a good idea... The question is not if you get hurt using hay for a pit , it's when you get hurt how bad will the injury be. This is why any pole vaulting should always be supervised by a qualified coach. A qualified coach would not allow it to happen.

yeah i agree with you, but i don't have a coach at my high school, and everything i do i read about or find on here, and plus i am not going to jump very high, i just want to do something fun
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Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Sun Jul 15, 2007 3:15 pm

txpolevaulter_k25 wrote:
strato wrote:Safety should always be the first consideration. This is not a good idea... The question is not if you get hurt using hay for a pit , it's when you get hurt how bad will the injury be. This is why any pole vaulting should always be supervised by a qualified coach. A qualified coach would not allow it to happen.

yeah i agree with you, but i don't have a coach at my high school, and everything i do i read about or find on here, and plus i am not going to jump very high, i just want to do something fun

This is not going to make you a better pole vaulter and you will most likely get hurt. Yet you still want to do it? :confused:

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Unread postby txpolevaulter_k25 » Sun Jul 15, 2007 4:36 pm

rainbowgirl28 wrote:
txpolevaulter_k25 wrote:
strato wrote:Safety should always be the first consideration. This is not a good idea... The question is not if you get hurt using hay for a pit , it's when you get hurt how bad will the injury be. This is why any pole vaulting should always be supervised by a qualified coach. A qualified coach would not allow it to happen.

yeah i agree with you, but i don't have a coach at my high school, and everything i do i read about or find on here, and plus i am not going to jump very high, i just want to do something fun

This is not going to make you a better pole vaulter and you will most likely get hurt. Yet you still want to do it? :confused:

idk yet, i dont really want to get hurt and i still have the crappy torn up pit to use, i guess the best thing i could do is try to figure out how to repair the pit i already have, maybe i will just take the hay and fill in the holes that my pit has in it
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Unread postby Tim McMichael » Sun Jul 15, 2007 9:12 pm

Ok, I'm the guy in the picture, but I'll be the first to say please don't try this yourself. The vault has come a long way since the days of sawdust and sand. Be safe first and foremost. When I posted that picture, I wanted the reaction to be "Wow, that’s totally insane," not "I think I'll do that myself." It was meant as a joke, not an example to follow. Please don't do it.

Here is a useful thing to try. School districts with a lot of money sometimes buy new pits when they don't really need them. This is especially true if they have just built a new track. The funds for new equipment are often included in the money to build the track. They have to store their old pit somewhere. It costs a lot of money to take it to the dump, and it is illegal to burn a pit because it is a petroleum product. This means they have to find a place to put it. It just takes up a lot of room and is generally a nuisance. You can often buy a pit like that for a few hundred dollars. One big U-Haul trailer is all it takes to transport it. A big stock trailer will also do the trick. I have purchased two pits like this myself. Also look for schools or universities that have dropped their track programs. Even if you have to travel out of state, it is still worth it when you consider the price of a new pit.

Becca, feel free to get rid of that picture if you think it is unwise to have it on the board.
Last edited by Tim McMichael on Wed Jul 18, 2007 9:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Unread postby 2-15-46 » Mon Jul 16, 2007 10:07 am

I think it's funny.... looks like it would be softer then the sand pits of the early years that would blow away in the wind and leave a one foot deeper hole to land in with sand burrs:)

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Unread postby powerplant42 » Tue Jul 17, 2007 5:38 pm

I don't think it would be a bad idea to do drills into, like one-handers or really short runs into.

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Unread postby txpolevaulter_k25 » Tue Jul 17, 2007 8:34 pm

powerplant42 wrote:I don't think it would be a bad idea to do drills into, like one-handers or really short runs into.

yes, someone finally sees it the way i do, that is all i really was going to use it for instead of uncovering the pit and having to recover and go through all that. the actual pit is a real old one with like football belt tie downs and it takes like 20 mins to get it off
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