Stabilizing the shoulder

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Stabilizing the shoulder

Unread postby jumpbackin » Thu May 24, 2007 12:26 pm

I'm sure some of you guys, like me, have a bad shoulder. I've been trying to think how I can rig a garment or a wrap that will reduce the impact when I plant. The only thing I've thought of is to try one of those powerlifting Bench Press shirts. Have any of you guys come up with anything that you would recommend?

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Unread postby master » Thu May 24, 2007 2:58 pm

I do not have a method of stabilizing the shoulder, but I can tell about a personal experience. When I first started vaulting as master, I would injure my shoulder every now and then and it would take forever for it to settle down. I'm guessing there was inflammation that made it more sensitive to re-injury. Bottom line is in my case it was almost totally caused by irregular approach run ending up being under at take off. When I started to develop a better take of, including not being under, the shoulder seemed to improve and I haven't had to deal with that problem since. I strive to take off such that a plumb line from the top of my top hand grip would touch my forehead and then touch the tip of my take off toe. Please note I am not always successful with this, but when I'm "under" relative to my desired position, that amount seems not enough to cause should problems.

- master

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Unread postby jumpbackin » Thu May 24, 2007 5:24 pm

Thanks, Master. My plant and take-off arn't great but that is not what hurt my shoulder. I messed it up playing on the trampoline with my son a few weeks ago. If it improves enough for me to try vaulting again, I'm sure it will be critical that I am tall and on.

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Unread postby vaultmd » Thu May 24, 2007 10:04 pm

Body Blades are really useful in rehabbing loose shoulders. If you google it you would probably be able to find a demo video. As far as gametime support, I don't think anything would be supportive and allow for a good takeoff at the same time.

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