Altius in Oregon City

A forum to discuss pole vaulting or anything else relating to Nevada, Hawaii, Oregon, Idaho, Alaska, Montana, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, and Colorado

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Altius in Oregon City

Unread postby baggettpv » Wed May 16, 2007 12:31 am

June 9th and 10th. 2 days with both of us sharing our pv experience, training ideas and many many drills. Coaches are free with one participant or more. Entry form on
Later during the summer 1 week Training Camps are offered. Come in for a week and experience what it's like to train with the best in the NW...Coaches are always welcome. Please come in!

Rick Baggett
Good coaching is good teaching.

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Unread postby altius » Wed May 16, 2007 4:04 am

Looking forward to working with you again Baggett - ol crafty one. One of the great unsung heroes of vaulting coaching. :yes:
Its what you learn after you know it all that counts. John Wooden

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