Can't get inverted

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Can't get inverted

Unread postby crumpman » Tue May 06, 2003 11:35 am

Got a vaulter, does nice pop-ups, can pull and turn out of them. Solid plant, sometimes under, standards around 22, very nice trail leg but can not get to invert...stops and bails nearly evey vault. He has jumped 13 once but has sat on 14 several times. Was on a 14/70 moved to a 14/80 in one day, still no invert. Any ideas? League meet is next week...he is a sophamore.
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i have the same problem

Unread postby Fdvsn158 » Mon Apr 16, 2007 7:14 pm

I'm a junior vaulter, last season i went over 13 consistently, jumped 13'3 twice, but for my life, i cannot get inverted, i have a great plant, decent elevation on the takeoff, I'm on a 14/70

I get way beyond vertical on my pop ups, i can get far enough to backflip off a stiff pole, but for some reason when i flex a pole, i can't find the leverage or timing to get back to the point where my knees are tucked, hips are parallel to my shoulders, and my shins are touching my pole.

If anyone has some good drills, training tips, or just good advise for me, please reply

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Unread postby vault3rb0y » Mon Apr 16, 2007 11:20 pm

most likely, his swing is strong enough to get him in line with the pole on pop ups, but in a real vault its not fast enough to catch up with the pole speed, and its throwing him before he is in line and ready to recieve the energy. The best thing, and necessary thing, to do is to go to a short run with a soft pole, and have him swing to get in line with the pole, and have him keep his hips moving up the whole time. Since you are crunched for time, you should do this at least ONE time, and tell him to think about swinging FASTER, not earlier, to keep his heels at least as far back as the tip of the pole, and tell him to keep the energy he made with his swing, but moving his hips up the pole after his swing. Best of luck, these kind of things arent a quick fix, but just thinking about those types of things should improve his inversion a little.
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