2-15-46 wrote:Bruce, these HS poles that I have that I thought were trainers...are they legal for HS's?????
NFHS has a rule that the vaulting pole cannot have a varible weight rating. Most all the HS Maxima poles did have a varible weight rating.
The NFHS use to consider a training poles as a varible weight vaulting pole.
I have not seen the 2006 or 2007 rule book. It may have been dropped. I heard that it was a possiblility.
In 2004 it stated that a competitor could not use a varible weight vaulting pole. I had a few conversations about the definiton of a competitor and was told a competitor was defined as an athlete who competed in NFHS activities.
So being I was not making them anymore I let it alone.
ANYone have a new rule on it?