Impossible WR!!!
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Impossible WR!!!
Well even if another Bubka comes along it will be more difficult to clear or get close to the wr with these STUPID pegs! You dont see them shortening the hj pegs, or raising hurdle heights, shortening the lj board, 100m in the wind...etc... It seems like they are trying to kill pv popularity, people want to see heigt and records not clean attempts. All these rules are (vaultzing etc.) deadining the event. Why? whos coming up with these rules? I think they should have new records with the new pegs. Like they did with the old weighted jav and new weight jav. Do they think pv isnt hard enough already!!!!
- tim hutzley
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- mcminkz05
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Well, if there is a new world record, i guess it would have to be a pretty clean clearance, but if u can clear that high nicking the bar, then w/ one great jump, you might be able to get it clean.. neways, i do agree they should keep seperate records, since theye using diff equiptment (pegs). Guess its like playin basketball w/ half sized rims. cant get away w/ sloppy shots by bouncing in, so people will score less. By the way, was Bubka's wr a clean clear?? i dunt know, iv never seen it.
Many of his WRs were pretty much clean. As for Bubka making the rule I still doubt it. He is a member of the Athletes Commission which has 20 members total (most of the others are runners and he is the only vaulter). There are nine total Commissions that make recommendations to the IAAF Council. Plus there are 6 other Committees that have a similar function. It seems pretty hard for him to make a rule and get it passed all by himself because of the different bodies that have to approve it. Still, the IAAF seems fairly political some times but I can't see him trying to do it just so he can keep his record.
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Honestly no one has ever jumped 20 he has many of times and he knows how difficult pole vault is. I dont think hes insecure about his record so that he would change up the rules. I think he also knows records are made to be broke and one day it will be broken one day. Well maybe not if they keep making these kinds of rules. I dont know what to think about it all???
- rainbowgirl28
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zack wrote:Many of his WRs were pretty much clean. As for Bubka making the rule I still doubt it. He is a member of the Athletes Commission which has 20 members total (most of the others are runners and he is the only vaulter). There are nine total Commissions that make recommendations to the IAAF Council. Plus there are 6 other Committees that have a similar function. It seems pretty hard for him to make a rule and get it passed all by himself because of the different bodies that have to approve it. Still, the IAAF seems fairly political some times but I can't see him trying to do it just so he can keep his record.
From what Bill Roe tells me, Bubka was not elected to the committee until the day the rules passed, so unless he was working behind the scenes beforehand (which is possible IMO), he certainly was not solely responsible for the rule change.
USATF was not in favor of the shorter pegs and whatnot.
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- rainbowgirl28
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- rainbowgirl28
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