Warm up Routine

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Unread postby jcoover » Tue Dec 12, 2006 9:58 pm

Yo man.... yea i think warmups are pretty vital to success in competition. Remember, the only PRs that count are ones jumped in real meets! Anyways, I wouldnt suggest changing your warmup as far as jogging, stretching and drills from your practices. Basically every practice we do a good dynamic warmup of about 1200m jog warmup, some gymnastics rolls, some stretching, and some sprint drills (a and b skips, high knees, butt kicks, alt. fast leg etc etc.) after that, for a meet, i will usually just take 2-3 buildup 60m sprints to get my legs going. after that, maybe start wtih some short run 4-5 step approaches, to get the vault ready to go. from there ill go back to my long run and I always try to take off on my first jump. some will say that you should check your step first, but I dont like that so much... usually my step is on anyways. Usually I take about 4-5 jumps from the long run with good rest and moving up poles until i'm on the pole that i'm going to start on, or maybe one above it. I like there to be a bungee up there, but its no biggie if there isnt one. then, you're ready to roll!! good luck dude.

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Unread postby Gchap7 » Tue Dec 12, 2006 10:06 pm

Dynamic in the begining, static after you are finished. Static stretching actually fatigues you muscles (10 plus seconds). Leg swings, knee to chest, bounds, skips, scorpian swings, etc is great for a dynamic warm. Grab some hurdles and do some walk overs. I wouldnt do it in meet, any thing that anyone says, until you try it at practice. You never know if its gonna work for you or not. Mid mark is key too. Good luck!

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Unread postby VaultMarq26 » Tue Dec 12, 2006 10:57 pm

Gchap7 wrote:Dynamic in the begining, static after you are finished. Static stretching actually fatigues you muscles (10 plus seconds). Leg swings, knee to chest, bounds, skips, scorpian swings, etc is great for a dynamic warm. Grab some hurdles and do some walk overs. I wouldnt do it in meet, any thing that anyone says, until you try it at practice. You never know if its gonna work for you or not. Mid mark is key too. Good luck!

Definatly.....no reason for static stretching before.....there are no studies that have proven static stretching to decrease the risk of injury.....they have only been proven to decrease Delayed onset muscle soreness (2nd day soreness)
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Unread postby Sean/vaulter/naeS » Tue Dec 12, 2006 11:31 pm

Hey if your step is just a little off just go up with it the worst that can happen if your left arm is out is that you will land on the front of the pit, i used to go up from 2 feet out side and not even no i did it, just get so those little variations don't fase you, just my opinion.

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Dynamic Warmups and routines.

Unread postby baggettpv » Thu Dec 14, 2006 1:53 am

Hey all,
Interesting topic. The topic of routines should be routine...that is it is practiced everyday and should build the athletes ability to succeed. A coach shall enable this routine to be developed. And reinforce the success it creates. There will be no indecision, and no thought. It's all routine. Not exactly what it is you do but the regularity that you do it. And that should be every day.

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www.willamettestriders.com then dynamic warmups

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Unread postby Robert schmitt » Sun Dec 17, 2006 1:33 am

VaultMarq26 wrote:
Gchap7 wrote:Dynamic in the begining, static after you are finished. Static stretching actually fatigues you muscles (10 plus seconds). Leg swings, knee to chest, bounds, skips, scorpian swings, etc is great for a dynamic warm. Grab some hurdles and do some walk overs. I wouldnt do it in meet, any thing that anyone says, until you try it at practice. You never know if its gonna work for you or not. Mid mark is key too. Good luck!

Definatly.....no reason for static stretching before.....there are no studies that have proven static stretching to decrease the risk of injury.....they have only been proven to decrease Delayed onset muscle soreness (2nd day soreness)

I've linked or flat out quoted some studies two or three times that confirm this some where on this site if you want to try to search them. They actually also found static strecthing inhibitls the fast twitch nerve fibers (I cann't recall for how long after stretching though). If you want to do it for better flexability do it after work out. us dynamic warm ups pre comp or practice.

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Unread postby captainfalcon43 » Mon Dec 18, 2006 9:53 pm

I have heard that static stretching should be done atleast 30 minutes before competition.
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