Fastest Vaulters?

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Fastest Vaulters?

Unread postby KYLE ELLIS » Mon Jun 16, 2003 12:47 pm

Some of you guys say Bubka doesnt make the top 5, and some of you say he is the fastest. Whats an accurate top 5 speedsters?
Last edited by KYLE ELLIS on Mon Jun 16, 2003 2:18 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Unread postby PVJunkie » Mon Jun 16, 2003 2:15 pm

Thats a tough one. Only in a few meets was the speed trap set up to measure the speed over the last 5 and 10 meters of the run. There is some data out but none is all inclusive and is only accurate if every athlete was as fast on that day as they ever were on any day (we all cant be fast on the same day).

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fastest vaulters?

Unread postby KYLE ELLIS » Mon Jun 16, 2003 2:23 pm

sorry for the spelling errors, just woke up. anyways lets put it like this if you could have a vaulters run who would your top 5 be?

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Unread postby PVJunkie » Mon Jun 16, 2003 2:27 pm

speed being the only factoer...........

in no particular order...

Mark Buse
Greg Dup
Scott Huffman
Jeff Buckingham
Joe Dial
Dub Jones (he he he he)

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Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Mon Jun 16, 2003 2:28 pm

PVJunkie wrote:speed being the only factoer...........
Dub Jones (he he he he)


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Unread postby vaultin chris » Mon Jun 16, 2003 2:31 pm

russ buller - memeber of the LSU 4x1
Trey hardee - went 10.68 in the decath. 100
daniel ryland has the speed trap PR at Earl bell
Chris Smith

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Unread postby Barto » Mon Jun 16, 2003 2:39 pm

Junkie is right. Nobody knows how fast every vaulter was running on every jump at every meet, but you can calculate speed off of video if you know a couple of things:

1) where was their mid mark 2) where was their takeoff and 3) how many frames of video did it take for them to travel that distance.

Regular video runs at 30 frames per second. You do the math.

Off the top of my head the fastest guys ever recorded in major competition were:
Duplantis - 10.0 meters/sec
Huffman - 9.9
Vigneron - 9.9


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Unread postby PVJunkie » Mon Jun 16, 2003 2:39 pm

Remember.........this is speed WITH a pole not just runnin!! I know tons of fast vaulters that are not near as fast with a pole as with out.

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Unread postby vaultin chris » Mon Jun 16, 2003 2:41 pm

very tru. not to mention controlling the run and planting the pole without killing urself.
Chris Smith

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Unread postby smokinvaulter1 » Mon Jun 16, 2003 2:43 pm

Chris Smith
Bryan Carrell
Jeremy Hull
All blazing on the runway

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Unread postby vaultin chris » Mon Jun 16, 2003 2:47 pm

i think i actually run faster with a pole, prolly not tho.
Chris Smith

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Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Mon Jun 16, 2003 2:48 pm

It would be interesting to do some kind of study, and see who does the best job of converting their raw speed into speed with a pole.

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