whos after bubka

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Unread postby zack » Fri Jun 06, 2003 3:35 pm

Wow Bubka must have had a horrible takeoff if he was so bad at applying force to the pole. Sorry, but Bubka WAS one of the most efficient at transferring energy into the pole in part because he was so efficient on the runway. He may not have run 10.2 but he was one of the fastest guys on the runway. Maybe you could give an example of how his takeoff wasn't efficient??? Actually you probably couldn't b/c his takeoff was so good. Oh yeah and he easily could have set the WR at 6.20 or higher if he wanted. If you've ever seen some of his 20' jumps you know how much height he had over it. And of the 28 or so guys who have jumped within 15cm of his WR I believe only a couple of them (Dial and Huffman?) had significantly lower grip heights then the rest. Maybe someone like PVJunkie knows for sure?

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Unread postby Barto » Fri Jun 06, 2003 4:08 pm

What did I just say about Bubka's ability to put energy into the ground? That's what a takeoff is! He had a great takeoff! The most efficient ever! When I speak of applying force to the pole, I am talking about what happens after takeoff!

As for the rest of your hyperbole....
Bubka could NEVER have EASILY jumped over 6.20m! I have every 20' jump on tape and NONE of them could have cleared 6.20m.

You are correct in that he was one of the fastest on the runway, but not in the top 5.

As for grip height.....
the vast majority of those guys gripped 3" or more under Bubka. Do you know what 3" is at that point? It is 15cm in bar height! Interesting how that is about the difference between Bubka and those other guys.

And lastly...You don't want to bring PVJukie into this conversation. He will only hurt your feelings ;)


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Unread postby PVJunkie » Fri Jun 06, 2003 4:35 pm

I dont want any part of this one................heck I partially started it and I would agree with BARTO (in fact he is a pv nut like me and can back up all of his statements with real data!!). Bubka WAS awe insprireing!!! but he was just a man. A man who was the best at what he did not the best at doing it. Its all in how you measure the event. Yes it IS all about how high the bar was set (on paper) BUT in devlopment and research of technique its about efficiency!!!!!!!!! He was NOT the most efficient at it.


Unread postby zack » Fri Jun 06, 2003 5:12 pm

Ok, when you said applying force to the pole I thought you were talking about transferring energy into the pole at takeoff. My fault that part was a little confusing. :confused: As for what he really could have jumped its really all speculation so there isn't really any point in arguing it. Bubka sure looks efficient to me but I know PVJunkie has been around this stuff way longer then I have so I'll take his word for it.

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Unread postby Ajint_Smith » Fri Jun 06, 2003 10:46 pm

How much stiffer were other vaulters' poles than Bubka's? When he was running his best, wasn't it something like 44 lbs heavier?
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Unread postby vaultguru6 » Fri Jun 06, 2003 11:22 pm

We should rename this post to "The Truth Behind Bubka Urban Legends."

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Unread postby smokinvaulter1 » Fri Jun 06, 2003 11:37 pm

Right From Petrov's mouth It was a 5.20m 10.4 flex around 220.

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Unread postby das_1971 » Sat Jun 07, 2003 1:25 am

Its one thing to hace an efficient run. Bubka had that
Its another thing to be able to put a lot of energy into a pole. Again bubka had that. He could also do it and come out in good position.
Its also important to note that bubka could get a lot of energy back out of the pole. rather he was the smoothest or the fastest on top or the most accurate, whatever. he got a lot out of each jump. A lot of people seem to forget that and just say oh he ran fast or he was on reeeealy big poles. Efficiency plus handgrip equals high jumps, barring of course you make the pit.

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Unread postby vaultguru6 » Sat Jun 07, 2003 2:04 am

one thing that bubka does better than any vaulter i've ever seen is drop his shoulders. when he drops his shouders he rockets up and off the pole. Just like doing a free hip....when the head and shoulders drop, the hips rocket up the pole. He looks as if he is on a high bar when he is on the pole.

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Unread postby das_1971 » Sat Jun 07, 2003 8:53 pm

thats just what I mean, he got so much out of the jumps that it looked easy. The video of him on stabhochsprung.com going 6.01 is awsome. If you look close you can see hes not even cleared and already looking for his pole so he doesn't land on it. no tension, no stress, just smooth.

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pole runs

Unread postby pvpaul7 » Tue Jun 17, 2003 11:36 pm

i also read somewhere that he did over 10,000 pole runs before the age of 18 or something like that... i think i have done a total of 300 in the span of 5 years.

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