Letting go of the pole...

A forum to discuss pole vault technique as it relates to beginning vaulters. If you have been jumping less than a year, this is the forum for you.

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Letting go of the pole...

Unread postby LHSpolevault » Fri Apr 14, 2006 9:32 am

I'm having a pretty irritating problem with letting go of the pole. At my last meet tuesday, my whole body would be over the bar, and then I'd let go of the pole, I just like, can't get myself to let it go. And at practice yesterday, where I was taking attempts at like 1'6" over my handgrip I was still holding on a little too long so it messed me up a bit trying to clear the heights.

Any thoughts, suggestions? Thanks.

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Unread postby nitro » Fri Apr 14, 2006 10:02 am

maybe the poles too sticky...idk
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Unread postby LHSpolevault » Fri Apr 14, 2006 10:05 am

nah I'm not using anything on the pole... just my normal wrap which has like 0 stickiness.

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Unread postby nitro » Fri Apr 14, 2006 10:55 am

idk this could be a long shot but maybe there is still more energy to be used in the pole so your not letting go because of that and if that is the case you have to keep inverting longer....and i kno that sounds wierd and its prolly not even the case but the only thing i can say is to practice it
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Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Fri Apr 14, 2006 11:06 am

Maybe you're just gripping too low. You might feel like you are hanging on to the pole too long, but it could be that the pole is just moving too fast toward the bar.

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Unread postby LHSpolevault » Fri Apr 14, 2006 2:56 pm

Thanks for the replies. I think I might be gripping too low for the momentum that I'm carrying into my plant.

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Unread postby AVC Coach » Sat Apr 15, 2006 6:00 pm

We do drills before season using a shot put. Take the shot and squat with your arms straight-give a big thrust aligning your legs together-pull the shot up and over your head while youturn and throw it as high and as far as you can. This is the motion you want to come off of the top of the pole with.

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