The bubka hip drip/shoulder drop

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Unread postby ladyvolspvcoach » Sun Mar 26, 2006 3:29 pm

John, we practice that move on a rope in the fall in a gym. Lot's of reps and the speed that it is done in the gym is almost exactly the speed it needs to be done on a pole!! We also do a lot of highbar "bubkas" by dropping the shoulders and pulling up inverted over the bar!!

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Unread postby master » Sun Mar 26, 2006 4:02 pm

When I try to do bubkas on a bar it is very difficult because my center of mass is not directly under the bar unless I let my feet hang over the top (as would be done to go around up on the bar). Is that what is typically done? Doing them on a rope would seem easier because your legs can "pass" along side of the rope, keeping the COM directly below your hands.

Have you seen this particular drill done before? (This is on one of Bubba Sparks' pages)

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Unread postby LHSpolevault » Sun Mar 26, 2006 4:12 pm

master wrote:When I try to do bubkas on a bar it is very difficult because my center of mass is not directly under the bar unless I let my feet hang over the top (as would be done to go around up on the bar). Is that what is typically done? Doing them on a rope would seem easier because your legs can "pass" along side of the rope, keeping the COM directly below your hands.

I found it hard on the high bar b/c I couldn't exactly get my body perfectly in line b/c of the positioning of my hands on the bar... no matter which grip I chose. The bar gets in the way.

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Unread postby Mecham » Sun Mar 26, 2006 4:18 pm

Notice on the video that the bar he is going over is slighty farther back. It is on a different hole setting. It would be hard to clear a cross bar when your feet are shooting straight up at it ;)
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Unread postby ladyvolspvcoach » Sun Mar 26, 2006 8:43 pm

master, The rope drill gives you a close approximation to the speed required to close the angle between the body and the arms. The high bar is not easy. Originally when I first did the drills in the 60's Bubka wasn't around so I called them pop-overs. The idea was to get into a handstand from a hanging position. I usually did 10 daily. Today the women have a very difficult time getting in the position, much less pulling into a handstand position. Now I challenge them to get over the bar and some can, or try to pull up to the collar bone....even though this is difficult drill it more closely incorporates the timing of closing the angle with the head,shoulder drop and arm movements..Hope that's helpful!!

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Unread postby fx » Sun Mar 26, 2006 8:54 pm

Wait so do bubka's actually involve doing a handstand on top of the bar? I thought that when you drop the shoulders and extend your feet up that was it. How exactly can you do a handstand on top of the bar if your hands are in that position?

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Unread postby ladyvolspvcoach » Sun Mar 26, 2006 8:59 pm

No! The Bubkas of today do not involve pulling into a handstand. That is just a drill that I have used for a very long time!!!

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Unread postby altius » Mon Mar 27, 2006 12:24 am

All very interesting: but my observation of vaulters around the world - and especially in the US - confirms that few ever get into a position to exploit the advantages the hip punch/shoulder drive gives a vaulter.

The vast majority of vaulters still 'rock back' UNDER the pole into a tight tuck from which they can only shoot their feet at the bar - not use the Bubka method.

You must first cover the pole - to do that you have to put a lot of energy into the pole in the first two phases - to do that you have to get the first step right! :idea: :yes:
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Unread postby baggettpv » Mon Mar 27, 2006 1:42 am

Get on a bar and do back circles, Free hip circles, free hip circles to a cast and any other stuff you can think of to move from below the bar to above it. I can't believe you guys can't do a Bubka on a bar??? Too hard?
How about going from an L sit hang on Parellel bars to an invert? Can you guys do that? Most of my high school girls can do that one....
Swing to an invert on the rings is another. In other words you guys need to work on the gymnastics stuff.


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Re: Wow....

Unread postby Barto » Mon Mar 27, 2006 11:16 am

baggettpv wrote:Dudes,
Get on a bar and do back circles, Free hip circles, free hip circles to a cast and any other stuff you can think of to move from below the bar to above it. I can't believe you guys can't do a Bubka on a bar??? Too hard?
How about going from an L sit hang on Parellel bars to an invert? Can you guys do that? Most of my high school girls can do that one....
Swing to an invert on the rings is another. In other words you guys need to work on the gymnastics stuff.


I think the majority of vaulters who have problems with the "gymnastics stuff" do so because their takeoffs are so weak they don't put enough energy into the system. Basically, they can't swing because they can't takeoff.

my 2 cents,


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Re: Wow....

Unread postby master » Mon Mar 27, 2006 1:05 pm

baggettpv wrote:Dudes,
Get on a bar and do back circles, Free hip circles, free hip circles to a cast and any other stuff you can think of to move from below the bar to above it. ..... In other words you guys need to work on the gymnastics stuff.


Some of us don't know the gymnastics terms you use and we don't have access to the apparatus and the coaching. I'm sure your club could provide that. But it would be helpful if you could provide a link to a website that explains, and better yet, shows a video clip of these gymnastics moves. Thanks.

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Unread postby baggettpv » Tue Mar 28, 2006 1:24 am

You guys in the NW are free to come to Oregon City, Or to learn these skills and how to teach them on most any Saturday from 12 - 4 pm. If that is not amenable then go here for the start of a How to Lesson:

From this site you can go to many other sites to learn new stuff. Check out for new links to Sports Psycholology, Running Techniques, Athletic Business and many more sites I frequent often to learn new stuff.

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