heavy weight shorter pole, longer pole, lighter weight?

A forum to discuss pole vault technique as it relates to beginning vaulters. If you have been jumping less than a year, this is the forum for you.

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heavy weight shorter pole, longer pole, lighter weight?

Unread postby polevaulter08nw » Mon Feb 20, 2006 11:59 pm

i know, well i think that a heavier weighted pole, if you follow up the pole, will throw you higher than i lighter weighted pole, but what is the point where the pole weight and height are either too big or heavy, and which pole length and weight is better to have for a highschool vaulter? thanks
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Unread postby Texasvaulter07 » Tue Feb 21, 2006 12:42 am

are you asking when should you move from a shorter hgher weighted pole to a longer pole?
Vault Old School wrote:Hey I was just wondering if anybody out there knew Bubka's Height, Weight, Body Fat%, etc. when he was competing?

bjvando wrote:i heard he was 7 ft tall, with a negative body-fat percentage......

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Unread postby polevaulter08nw » Tue Feb 21, 2006 7:47 am

i guess i am asking that but also wwhat point it is better to stay at a shorter pole. Lets say this i can only get up on saya 15 foot pole and the weight is 155 holding at the top. My height is 6 foot, and i weight 135. Now if i had a 14'6 pole that was 160, would there be a better choice between then 15 fot pole or the 14'6 pole?

And like would you want to just go to the highest hand hold possible for more height(that you can get on that is like 3 pounds ovre your weight or on it) or stay maybe a foot down and be 20 pounds under your pole?

Example: Big stick 15'6 135 or 14'6 155
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Unread postby nitro » Tue Feb 21, 2006 8:34 am

its easier to hit positions on a shorter pole...but it doesnt give you as much blow of the top
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Unread postby polevaulter08nw » Tue Feb 21, 2006 8:35 am

well which would be better for a vaulter to jump on for height?
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Unread postby Barto » Tue Feb 21, 2006 9:52 am

It all depends on how high you are gripping and how high you are clearing.

For example if you are gripping 14'6 and only clearing 13' then you would be better off on a shorter pole, but if you are gripping 13' and clearing 13'6 then you are ready for a longer pole. The length of the pole does not really matter. It is the grip height that matters.

A longer pole does not "throw" you better than a shorter pole.


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Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Tue Feb 21, 2006 9:59 am

polevaulter08nw wrote:well which would be better for a vaulter to jump on for height?

It's just all relative to the vaulter. The most important thing is having the right pole and right grip.

As a general rule of thumb, it is better to be on a shorter stiffer pole, especially for beginners.

My teammates and I are all jumping on 12'4 and 12'6 poles right now. We went 1-2-4-6-7 at conference against girls on 13' and 13'7 poles. Erin won with a 12' jump and she was gripping 12'2ish on a 12'6 145. I've gone 11'1.75 so far this year, our next two girls have gone 11' and 10'10".

We have a series of 13' Mystics and 13' Spirits, but nobody needs them yet, we're all jumping better on the shoerter poles.

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Unread postby nitro » Tue Feb 21, 2006 11:00 am

i said that is easier to jump on a shorter pole because its easier to hit positions but when u go to a bigger pole its harder but if you can still hit those positions you will get more blow from the pole...it takes some time to learn to hit the positions on a longer pole but it will be better once u figure it out
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Unread postby Barto » Tue Feb 21, 2006 11:48 am

nitro wrote:i said that is easier to jump on a shorter pole because its easier to hit positions but when u go to a bigger pole its harder but if you can still hit those positions you will get more blow from the pole...it takes some time to learn to hit the positions on a longer pole but it will be better once u figure it out

I have to disagree. The vast majority of people will never "figure it out" on a longer pole (I assume higher grip) if they do not first "figure it out" with a lower grip.

It would be nice if vaulting worked that way. We could all save lots of money not buying small poles. But generally speaking, if you can't do it with a low grip you certainly won't with a higher grip.


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Unread postby nitro » Tue Feb 21, 2006 12:53 pm

thats what i ment (saying what barto said) before this winter i was just running fast on big poles but then i went down some poles and acually hit some positions and now i can do it on a big pole and get launched
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Unread postby saraf » Tue Feb 21, 2006 7:22 pm

I feel like I have been having this problem. I can't get far enough back with out the pole moving to verticle quickly, and not bending enough. I am gunna try to go to a longer pole and find out what happens.

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Unread postby polevaulter08nw » Tue Feb 21, 2006 7:57 pm

thanks for posting ont his guys, but here the case i am a sophmore in highschool im 6 foot, weigh 135, and my best from indoor is 14 feet. i was on a 14 foot pole when i cleared 14 feet, but now i crush that pole and am moving to 14'6 and hevier 14'3 grips and basically i have a good plant and knee drive and i tuck up and get vertical, but when i shout up my feet kick more and i don't have a proper turn. So i do line up drills( vault on small stick but dont' turn and kick up) but when i get to vaulting i forget that form, and im trying to break the state record this year for outdoor, personaly i don't want to grip higher than maybe 14'9 but would it be more productive to jump with a higher grip and less weight or a 14' grip and have the weight around 165? the pole i jump on know is a 14'3 155 ; or would i be better off with a 15 grip closer to my weight?
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