rolling it over

A forum to discuss pole vault technique as it relates to beginning vaulters. If you have been jumping less than a year, this is the forum for you.

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rolling it over

Unread postby rizlab » Wed Feb 15, 2006 7:45 pm

what drills can i do to improve my "rolling it over" (from plant to tuck,pulling over of the arms) im 6ft 4 so, my plants good, and speed also, but being so tall my arms are a lil on the scrauny side so wt thngs should i do to imrove them, and my straight arm pulls? thnx rizla
when i vault high enough, to hit jesus... ill be happy.

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Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Wed Feb 15, 2006 8:45 pm

Why do you want to tuck? :confused:

Watch some videos of some elite vaulters on and so you can get a better visual image of what the vault should look like. is a great website for drills and training tips.

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Unread postby JTred » Wed Feb 15, 2006 9:09 pm

If you use the tuck and shoot method you will actually lose energy in doing so. The Petrov model suggests that you shorten the pendulum by breaking the swing at the hips once you get horizontal. You go into an L shape and rock back to cover the pole. Bubka actually put more enrgy into the pole this way.

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Unread postby rizlab » Thu Feb 16, 2006 7:28 am

know i want to go by conventional methods, sorry if my misuse of language has,confused you. What i mean is, as soon as the plant is out and you have taken off i meanthe process where you drive down the pole with your top hand to bring you vertical, while swining with the legs. The only thing thats is stopping me from doing 15'5 (if thats right in ft and inches) is the fact that im not strong enough to drive the pole "down" long enough for me to become trully vertical. How do i improve the driving of the top hand?
when i vault high enough, to hit jesus... ill be happy.

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