New pole- no time

A forum to discuss pole vault technique as it relates to beginning vaulters. If you have been jumping less than a year, this is the forum for you.

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Unread postby jaxvaulter » Tue Feb 14, 2006 8:48 am

i've been watching my videos of the 15' pole and i keep getting halfway bent and the pole shoots me out. Two reasons i think are 1: new pole still hard to bend, and 2: not enough speed. Am i right?
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Unread postby nitro » Tue Feb 14, 2006 9:09 am

it would work if you got to the top of the pole and turned as it was throwing you out
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Unread postby LHSpolevault » Tue Feb 14, 2006 10:33 am

jaxvaulter wrote:i've been watching my videos of the 15' pole and i keep getting halfway bent and the pole shoots me out. Two reasons i think are 1: new pole still hard to bend, and 2: not enough speed. Am i right?

because it's new, doesn't mean that the bend is different, there's no such thing as "breaking in" a new pole... its not a shoe ;) lower your grip until you can make it in.

how many lefts or rights is your run-up? how high are you gripping?

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Unread postby ashcraftpv » Tue Feb 14, 2006 12:21 pm

its because that's not the pole you should be on!

its too big of a jump from the 14' 140 to the 15' 145. If you can't land in the middle of the pit on EVERY jump you take on a pole, you shouldn't be jumping on it! Haven't you read anything we have posted here? The #1 goal of the vault is not to clear a bar, but to land safely in the mats. Go back to the 14' 140 and learn how to vault. try to find a 14' 145 or a 14' 150 to jump on.

All you're doing right now is reinforcing bad habits and setting yourself up to get hurt.
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Unread postby nitro » Tue Feb 14, 2006 12:53 pm

ashcraftpv wrote:its because that's not the pole you should be on!

its too big of a jump from the 14' 140 to the 15' 145. If you can't land in the middle of the pit on EVERY jump you take on a pole, you shouldn't be jumping on it! Haven't you read anything we have posted here? The #1 goal of the vault is not to clear a bar, but to land safely in the mats. Go back to the 14' 140 and learn how to vault. try to find a 14' 145 or a 14' 150 to jump on.

All you're doing right now is reinforcing bad habits and setting yourself up to get hurt.

i agree 100% i dont think that you are as determined as dave vols used to be lol
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Unread postby Robert schmitt » Tue Feb 14, 2006 1:53 pm

going from a 14' 140 to a 15' 145 is a huge jump! it's like grabbing a 14' 165 + your probably holding higher which makes it harder to get into the pit. Take ash's advise :yes:
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Unread postby jaxvaulter » Wed Feb 15, 2006 8:54 am

coming from a small 3A school in Jacksonville, NC i very rarely get a pole that is my weight or size, so the only poles i can use are the 14' and 15'ers. Not having a coach, it is hard to teach myself to jump very well and rotate at the top so the only other option i have is to go to a longer pole. What should i do at the 14' pole to get 13'6" or 14'?
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Unread postby nitro » Wed Feb 15, 2006 8:58 am

right hand to right quad....the key to perfection
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Unread postby jaxvaulter » Wed Feb 15, 2006 9:33 am

thanks. i'll try to post some videos of my progress if i can
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Unread postby nitro » Wed Feb 15, 2006 11:03 am

its a lot easier to do on a real small pole i jump on a 15 165 but i use a 15 150 to work on technique because it is easier to do
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Unread postby polevaulter08nw » Wed Feb 15, 2006 7:59 pm

i agree, useing a smaller pole helps me with my form, i acutally had better form on a 13'6 over a 14 foot pole at states, all things taken in to consideration.
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