New pole- no time

A forum to discuss pole vault technique as it relates to beginning vaulters. If you have been jumping less than a year, this is the forum for you.

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New pole- no time

Unread postby jaxvaulter » Tue Feb 07, 2006 11:29 pm

I just got a 15' 145lb pole today and i can only bend it about 60%. The state meet is in 4 days. Any help on what i can do to bend it faster?
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Unread postby Robert schmitt » Wed Feb 08, 2006 12:59 am

do you make it into the pit/ can you jump with the standards buried on that pole?
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Unread postby nitro » Wed Feb 08, 2006 8:40 am

my better jumps are when the pole doesnt bend as much but it just means you gotta swing and turn faster......of course if u are getting in the pit
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Unread postby ryansanta » Wed Feb 08, 2006 8:43 am

Robert schmitt wrote:do you make it into the pit/ can you jump with the standards buried on that pole?

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Re: New pole- no time

Unread postby Bruce Caldwell » Wed Feb 08, 2006 8:54 am

jaxvaulter wrote:I just got a 15' 145lb pole today and i can only bend it about 60%. The state meet is in 4 days. Any help on what i can do to bend it faster?

What about the other factors

1. Hand grip?
2. weight?
3. What height are you jumping?
4. how many lefts?

Other than that we would all be guessing on what the problem is
based on the info you have provided;
1. You Maybe holding too high or too low depending on other factors.
2. If your weight is close to the weight of the pole you might be on too long of a pole fr yoru ability.
3. If you are jumping below your handgrip the pole is too long for your ability.
4. You may need a longer run or a shorter run depnding on additional information?

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Unread postby nitro » Wed Feb 08, 2006 9:00 am

good point essx lowering your grip will help you penetrate better and depending on your grip you could move your left hand down a little to get the pole to bend better.i kind of dissagree just a tad with essx tho about were your holding if you are jumping at least 13 6 consistantly a 15 foot pole isnt bad...but a 14 foot pole would just be better...and if your weight is close to 145 then the pole might just be too big for you
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Unread postby ADTF Academy » Wed Feb 08, 2006 12:58 pm

Once again why does anyone worry about bending the pole. Did it rotate into the pits?

If yes then who cares how much it bends.

If no then how was your plant? Was your top arm straight before the pole strikes the back of the box? Did it stay straight the entire time from the moment you left the ground till when you were about to clear the bar?

If yes to both of those then the pole is to big for the technique your using, you must generate more speed either with more steps or better running mechanics.

Besides not being able to get on a bigger pole could be anything. Heck a little adrenaline might help. Hit the smaller pole and then see what happens. Usually in practice you can't take up your biggest pole.

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Unread postby jaxvaulter » Fri Feb 10, 2006 8:54 am

i can bend the pole slightly, but when i am halfway up towards vertical, the pole shoots me out and back towards the runway. Iam 135lbs on the 145lb pole from 8 rights.(im left handed.)
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Unread postby nitro » Fri Feb 10, 2006 9:04 am

well lower your grip and find out if you get in....ive almost made 16 holding 14 4 so its not a big deal to have a low grip and it helps you get in....if you cant get in go down a pole because it is too big
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Unread postby ashcraftpv » Fri Feb 10, 2006 1:46 pm

What size is the pole you are currently on that you think is too small and creates the need for you to be on this new one?
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Unread postby nitro » Fri Feb 10, 2006 4:50 pm

ashcraftpv wrote:What size is the pole you are currently on that you think is too small and creates the need for you to be on this new one?

depending on what it is and where you holding raising your grip will help the pole slow down and it could make the pole not too small
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Unread postby advath » Fri Feb 10, 2006 10:33 pm

What is your best vault on another pole?
Where were the standards placed at?
What size pole was it?
How far from the top were you holding on that pole?

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