Oral Roberts All-Comers Results

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I'm in Charge
Posts: 30435
Joined: Sat Aug 31, 2002 1:59 pm
Expertise: Former College Vaulter, I coach and officiate as life allows
Lifetime Best: 11'6"
Gender: Female
World Record Holder?: Renaud Lavillenie
Favorite Vaulter: Casey Carrigan
Location: A Temperate Island

Oral Roberts All-Comers Results

Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Wed Dec 21, 2005 11:02 am

Oral Roberts All-Comers Meet
Date: 2005-12-17
Location: ORU Aerobic Center, Tulsa, ok
Host Team: Oral Roberts University

Pole Vault Combined
====================================================================== Name Year Team Finals

Elliott, Steve 518 male 15-6
Pilkington, Joe 19 438 male 13-6
Steffen, S. 446 male 13-6
Reeves, A. 20 435 male 13-6
Pinney, Mark 18 410 male 13-0.25
Gilliland, David 16 536 male 13-0.25
Swezey, David 46 male 12-6
Zachery, Nikol 20 female 12-6
Mahan, Conner 18 457 male 12-0
Borrego, John 17 402 male 12-0
Pote, Jordan 17 401 male 12-0
Crist, Cameron 16 451 male 12-0
Stoever, Katie 17 458 female 11-6
Coleman, Jennifer 19 447 female 10-0
Mapp, TJ 15 472 male 9-6
Elliott, J. 13 male 9-6
Lipsey, Ciara 17 449 female 9-6
Murphy, Jacob 17 497 male 9-6
Pickens, CJ 17 469 male 9-0
Clement, K 15 480 female 9-0
Wilkerson, T 17 481 female 8-6
Phillips, L 15 496 female 7-6
Malone, M 13 468 male 7-6
Waters, T 14 535 female 7-0
Covington, A. 14 412 female 6-6
Parker, M 13 433 male 6-6
Wooldridge, M 11 482 female 5-6
Dial, Tommy 9 449 male 5-6
Pote, J 9 nh
Cunningham, w 12 nh
Liechte 12 nh
cunningham, S 12 nh
Hunter, K 17 male nh
Nelson, Dillon 17 male nh
Leichner, Adam 17 male nh

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