Breaking a pole

A forum to discuss anything that has to do with pole vaulting that does not fit in the other forums.

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Breaking a pole

Unread postby drcurran » Sat May 28, 2005 7:16 am

Don't know if this has been around, but someone just sent it to me.


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Bruce Caldwell
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DiD she kick the pole?

Unread postby Bruce Caldwell » Sat May 28, 2005 9:06 am

DiD she kick the pole?
The pole broke around the lower 1/3 if it was 34" area that would be a pole that had fallen without being caught and the top of the box lid hit and dinged the pole so it broke in a subsiquent jump.

IN the slow move it looks also like she might have kicked the pole?
I hate to see any brand pole break.
I love the PV, it is in my DNA

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