Embarassing PV moments

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Unread postby FCCVaulter » Thu May 12, 2005 11:28 am

im pretty well known for being clumsy well..a couple of weeks ago we were at a meet and the height was pretty low so i was just messing around not really vaulting..so im on my small pole and i bend the crap out of it but dont do anything so it slams me down on the other side and i slide on my stomach to the end of my mat just like a slip and slide..and i prop myself up on my hands..and everyone starts laughing at me and i dont know y..i guess from the looks of it it was a total porno pose..in bundies and all..ill try to find the picture...it was classic

two jumps later i landed on my feet and got caught and fell off the left side of the pit and the coach got a pic of me in the mud..very sexy..
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Unread postby CrossBarHOpper » Thu May 12, 2005 5:28 pm

at a meet i was i was running and about my mid i drop the pole on accident in the middle of the meet its was pretty funny
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Unread postby distancejumper » Thu May 12, 2005 6:27 pm

this isn't really to bad, but I have too many embarrasing moments to remember.

I was at a meet on tuesday and my coach told me to concentrate on the pull after getting verticle. So I concentrated on the pull, but didn't do anything else. I got over the bar by about two feet, but I forgot the bar was there until I felt my pole knock it off.

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Unread postby Ming3r » Fri May 13, 2005 11:01 am

I've straddled the bar before.

My left nut was killin me, and I was lying in a field in the middle of the track with an ice pack on my nuts for half an hour.

Anyways, that was last year when my formw as so much worse than it is now...

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Unread postby Aviendha » Fri May 13, 2005 2:44 pm

This isn't a personal embarrassing moment, but it WAS pretty funny...
So the guys on my team think pushing the pole is stupid and really doesn't change anything (I started pushing after I heard about it from Becca)...and the other day Becca comes to my practice to help, and Jordan, not realizing that Becca pushes, and told me about pushing, goes up to her and starts "As a collegiate vaulter, do you agree that pushing the pole is pointless and stupid" or some such...Now, my coach and I both started cracking up by the time he said "push", because we knew exactly what he was about to say...then we tell him that she's the one who told me about pushing, and he got a bit red and all "GAH!" and stuff....very funny

Most of my personal embarrassing moments are just those foot-in-mouth moments like Beccas "If it's gonna head, I'm going down a pole" :P O:-)
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Unread postby SlickVT » Fri May 13, 2005 2:56 pm

Junior year in high school: state championship. Clear opening height and my pole gets caught up on my shorts and rips them strait off. Standing on the mat covering myself.

Talk about embarassing.
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Unread postby SlickVT » Fri May 13, 2005 2:56 pm

Actually that didnt happen, but would have sucked if it did.

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Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Fri May 13, 2005 3:34 pm

SlickVT wrote:Actually that didnt happen, but would have sucked if it did.


That actually happened to my coach (Lane Lohr) at NCAAs in the mid 80s.

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Unread postby scubastevesgirly » Fri May 13, 2005 4:46 pm

rainbowgirl28 wrote:
SlickVT wrote:Actually that didnt happen, but would have sucked if it did.


That actually happened to my coach (Lane Lohr) at NCAAs in the mid 80s.


A guy at one of our meets (i'll spare his name) ripped his speedsuit in the gonadal region...but he had something on under it, and he won, so he was still all smiles. :D

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Unread postby ashcraftpv » Sat May 14, 2005 12:44 am

I was taking a track and field class in college and the prof asked me to do a couple vaults after his lecture. I grabbed my normal 4 step pole, half assed down the runway and got rejected really bad. After I got up, I said "ok, that's what you're not supposed to do."
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Unread postby izzystikchik » Sat May 14, 2005 10:02 am

Me and my friend go to this pole vault camp together in the summer, and everyone kinda keeps to themselves the first couple days, so its kinda awkward to be around to just stand around a bunch of kids who don't really know you and blah blah....so anyway, so my friend and i are kinda just stickin together.

Well, i remember, she was coming down the runway, and i was ready checkin her step. She plants/takes off, then she stalls out and is coming right back towards the runway, i'm standing there with my arms out ready to catch her/push her back to the pit perhaps, but instead she falls right on top of me and i stumble backwards and we're both face down on the ground and everybody was just like "ok, then, that was interesting......" i was so embarrasssed, but it was so hilarious! :D

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Unread postby achtungpv » Sat May 14, 2005 9:57 pm

Marc Hearns, University of Houston at Mt. SAC around '80 attempting around 18'...his pole went up his shorts, under his jock and out the neck of his shirt. All his clothes were ripped off his body and he was left standing buck naked on the pit. Heard that story from him today. Greatest ever :yes:
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