Do people tell you you are crazy...

A forum to discuss anything that has to do with pole vaulting that does not fit in the other forums.

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Unread postby Aviendha » Fri Apr 29, 2005 3:00 pm

"only a 10+ vaulter" HA, there are those of us who would be happy to be where you are right now!!

I've been getting the crazy thing for it in gymnastics, get it now for vaulting...
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Unread postby csuvaulter » Sat Apr 30, 2005 3:11 am

The shed at my school is spray-painted "Pole Vaulters are Nuts." It's been there so long no one knows anymore who wrote it and when. I also get the "You're crazy" stuff constantly...the fact that I like sky diving and stuff doesn't exactly help my case for sanity. Any other thrill seekers out there? In my experience, vaulters are often rock climbers/surfers/hang gliders/etc...

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Unread postby ladyvolspvcoach » Sat Apr 30, 2005 11:10 am

actually, I think the rule is that to vault you MUST be at least two standard deviations from the norm in at least two aspects of your personality ;) :yes:

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Unread postby izzystikchik » Sat Apr 30, 2005 11:51 am

Aviendha wrote:"only a 10+ vaulter" HA, there are those of us who would be happy to be where you are right now!!

I've been getting the crazy thing for it in gymnastics, get it now for vaulting...

Don't worry that height is very tangible once you change your perspective of it, and here's the clincher, once you get it, you'll quickly lose satisfaction with it, looking once again for those higher heights..... ;)

ladyvolspvcoach wrote:
Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2005 10:10 am Post subject: crazy
actually, I think the rule is that to vault you MUST be at least two standard deviations from the norm in at least two aspects of your personality

...very true :P

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Unread postby FCCVaulter » Tue May 10, 2005 11:42 am

i feel the 10+ thing..u dont even remember the lame..but its high enough to feel ur body fly once ur off the ground..if im crazy for loving that feeling..then commit me because im stuck..and if anyone else has noticed that all of us vaulters have a crazy sense of humor..example...for all of u im the chic that was dancing with the dude while adjusting the standards at this years Pole Vault Summit..we were in all i heard there is some incriminating video my friend has of me "breaking it down"<Rosie....darn it..i guess i shouldnt hav done it in front of the whole
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Unread postby pvchick » Sun May 22, 2005 11:15 pm

haha..yea all the pole vaulters on our team are VERY we will sing really loud and we just do crazy stuff..its so much fun. but gymnastics coach wasnt too thrilled with me doing pole vault cuz she sed it was dangerous. well..she proved me right cuz i broke my foot doing it. but..dont tell me gymnastics isnt crazy..i got a concusion from that. lol..pole vault is pretty crazy..but thats the whole thrill of it. who agrees?

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Unread postby bvpv07 » Mon May 23, 2005 1:18 am

That's weird. I'm actually not outgoing at all (you won't catch me dead singing out loud anywhere other than when I'm all alone at home :o ), but I guess that I am a bit daredevilish. I've got to agree that gymnastics is pretty crazy (did it for 12 years) and I doubt that pole vault will ever cause me to spend as much time in ambulances, emergency rooms, and radiology labs as gym did. If it does, I'm screwed :dazed:

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Unread postby BigStick Club » Fri May 27, 2005 1:26 pm

I get that all the time...and then yes, the invariable second question. "Isn't it scary?" Um, well, no, not really...

Vaulters are pretty quirky people...but one of the most heartwarming things I've noticed is that we're all super willing to help one another.

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Unread postby Ali~PVC » Sat May 28, 2005 11:15 pm

My whole track team calls us crazy. I think that it is a compliment!! I love when you hear people walk by @ meets and watch you vault. I can hear them say, "WOW, I wish that i could do that!!"

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