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post college vaulters:

Unread postby patybobady » Tue Mar 15, 2005 10:31 pm

I am a DIII college grad (this past may) and was just 'getting' things working in the vault ( :P). I learned from scratch frosh year, and by the end of senior year, was a consistent 13'+ vaulter (PR of 13'8.5"), so nothing special, but it was fun!
Well I graduated and started coaching this spring for a h.s. I started vaulting with them and at my old h.s. I have gotten back on to the poles I used in the end of college and am actually getting more 'off' of the poles. Today I did a lot of work with a bar at 13' (took one at 12', made it and stared at it the whole time so I moved it up). I had some darn close vaults and nailed my left elbow and left wrist a few times HARD (I'm a righty) on the way down, which has never happened. I flag out and do not have enough pop up and momentum in (standards at 50 and just cam edown on it). Does anyone have any advice because it seems when I turn (which I do not pull in/through enough I know) I am already falling and I look at the bar, release and come down right on top of it with my chest/arms.

Bonus Question: What was it like for those of you who vaulted, took some time off (I know 8 months is nothing) and got back into it. I am addicted and am working hard. But its hard.

Any advice? Thanks, and sorry for the long post.
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Unread postby OUvaulterUSAF » Wed Mar 16, 2005 12:13 am

I took 2.5 years off after I graduated college. It took me about a year to jump 16' on a 15' pole.

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Unread postby Robert schmitt » Wed Mar 16, 2005 3:49 am

I fractured my back in '96 missing the pits indoors. finished up outdoors half heartedly and was happy to not vault agian. I started coaching in 2001 and began vaulting in 2002. So six years off. I promised my self not to let my ego guide my decicions on pole selection, standard placement, run length, grip hieght etc.. I love it. It forces me to have to finally work on technique. I also like not having the feeling having to push to progress. I'm not under a time frame to qualify for nationals or hit this mark by this date. I can spend a whole year working on just on aspect to see what happens without any expectations on the out come. It has made me a much better coach. b/c I spend my summer meets working on new things and seeing how they impact my vault, which then I transfer to coaching the next year.
In some respects I think it helps the relationship with your vaulters also they buy into what you are trying to teach (I often get "now I see what you are talking about" when I vault- rather than looking into quick fixes (like raising grip to fast to jump higher before they develope thier swing) like some of thier competetors do.
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Unread postby AeroVault » Thu Mar 17, 2005 10:22 pm

I can't picture exactly what you're describing, but you do want to pike at the peak of your vault. I think of hollowing my chest as I'm going over - try pointing your thumbs down as you peak. If you are not penetrating enough, just move your grip down a little and work your way back up. It'll increase your takeoff angle and help get those standards back to 80 where they belong. ;)

I vaulted in HS, took three years off in college (had this notion that classes and grades were more important than vaulting) and have now gotten back into it this past year. I just missed it too much! I stayed at pretty much the same shape doing other things, but needed some refreshing when I did start competing again. I'm now clearing 16'; just wish I had some eligibility left.

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Unread postby csuvaulter » Sun Mar 20, 2005 3:52 pm

Other than what AeroVault said, I'd make sure you are running through the take off and might be losing your momentum in the vault by losing your speed at takeoff, but it's hard to tell without seeing your vault.

Incidentally, I am in a very similar situation right now but have kind of a different problem. I graduated from college in May (I was also just starting to get things right) and am now coaching high school, and I just cannot figure out how to get any vaulting in...I have tried jumping with my athletes, but with 16 vaulters doing several things at one time (half of them run while the other half vaults), it doesn't work since I pay so much more attention to them than to myself and I end up taking like 4 vaults. I cannot afford to get a coach, but I have the time and the facilities to work out. I don't really know what anyone could tell me, I guess I am just rambling in my misery since my inability to vault has been depressing me recently...I guess it's just disappointing since I finally started getting better (almost jumped 13 feet at the end of last year) and now I have to stop and am still surrounded by pole vaulting! Sorry for the long unhappy post....are you guys able to vault well without a coach?

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Unread postby patybobady » Sun Mar 20, 2005 7:56 pm

Thanks everyone so far. I do get sucked to my back and lose most of my momentum into the pit. Sadly this is what I did in college, and what my vaulters do now, geez.

I am in the same boat. My school does not have a great range of poles, but I go to my old h.s. and vault (they got the poles) and a master's vaulter who helps them and me...

Outdoor is here now, or soon enough so you should have some more time to vault I hope. I do not jump much when I do, as coaching is the number one priority. Just try to remember that. I am having a hard time letting go of not being a college vaulter, who did it all the time. Vaulting part time or less is hard.

Just set small goals for yourself, like a good press out or takeoff and soon enough, the height will take care of itself.

Oh and make sure you cheat and workout with them every day, less than a year out of college and I feel out of it, so I work out with them every day.

Hope something I said makes sense. Oh and if anyone wants to vault by Chicago, drop me a line, more than happy to have more.
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Unread postby csuvaulter » Sun Mar 20, 2005 9:19 pm

Thanks for the words of helps to know others are in the same situation. It is hard not to be a vaulter anymore! I want to vault every day! :P

Good luck with your coaching and vaulting!

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