Training In Baghdad

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Training In Baghdad

Unread postby USMC Vaulter » Sat Mar 12, 2005 10:59 am

Hey guys - I've been visiting this site for forever and thought I'd finally post something.

Basically, I'm stuck in Iraq till the summer - and have VERY limited room to go running (no straightaway longer than 50 yards and not exactly smooth terrain), and a gym that has almost no equipment at all.
I was wondering if you guys had any ideas for how to try and keep up my flexibility and speed while I'm over here.
I go to the gym and work out everyday that I have time, so upper body stuff really isnt the issue.
Just lookin for some ideas on running, flexibility, and timing - cause for some reason I'm drawing a blank.
Thanks for taking a look.
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Unread postby uconnvaulta » Sat Mar 12, 2005 11:51 am

That is rough man,
for running, granted you have a limited space do speed drills and sprint drills everyday, like high knees, cross overs, high skips, stuff like that, and short sprints just pick ups but work on for the whole time dont worry about being at your fastest, just work on getting your knees up high and running with good technique. for flexibility just stretch everyday , get a rope or something that you can stretch your hamstrings a lot and do a lot of different variations , just stay as loose as possible. theres a few ideas hope they help out over there, good luck man
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Unread postby MightyMouse » Sat Mar 12, 2005 1:19 pm

maybe if you could find some steps close by you could use those for general running, as well as plyometrics, like jumping from one step to the next on one leg.
Now that i think about it lots of plyometrics use a small space, check out this website for some ideas (click the links at the bottom for more detailed exercises)
They also help you with strength and flexibility

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Unread postby CrossBarHOpper » Sat Mar 12, 2005 1:34 pm

Run through the Barracks Just kidding but Go Marines
hey guys! Abe Lincoln?
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Unread postby vaultmd » Sat Mar 12, 2005 2:39 pm

Have someone from the States send you a copy of Probodx, by Marv Marinovich. You can improvise most of the equipment in that book, do the exercises quickly, get your workout done with minimal space and minimize the amount of running you have to do to stay athletic. I'm also willing to bet you have a chronic ache here or there that will magically go away, to boot.

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Unread postby USMC Vaulter » Sat Mar 12, 2005 3:27 pm

Thanks alot for the replies guys.

So far I've taken the ideas from uconnvaulta and info from the link MightyMouse sent and I've begun to put together some work out routines. And vaultmd, I'll have to try and get someone to send me a copy of the book - it sounds pretty interesting.

I think I've got some good stuff, but I'd love to hear more ideas if anyone has them. Thanks again for your input and support.

Oh and by the way, it stinks that Iraq is currently 'unstable' , cause vaulting here would be great this time of year - awesome weather! :P
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Unread postby OUvaulterUSAF » Sun Mar 13, 2005 11:56 am

Take a picture of your self vaulting w/ some make shift pole in Iraq, now that would be cool.

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Unread postby USMC Vaulter » Sun Mar 13, 2005 12:12 pm

Haha - sounds like an interesting idea.... maybe I'll try it
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Unread postby vaultinggoat16 » Sun Mar 13, 2005 10:45 pm

Hey man what part of Iraq are you in? My oldest sister just got back from KRAB. You can always work on balance with handstand work...You could do high bar drills if possible. Could always pick on the air force weeniers.
What poles are made of fiberglass now....

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Unread postby vaultinggoat16 » Sun Mar 13, 2005 10:47 pm

(btw my sister is Air Force and I am prolly gonna be Air Force too so no real offense to any air force wieners on here)

What poles are made of fiberglass now....

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Unread postby USMC Vaulter » Tue Mar 15, 2005 7:30 am

Haha - I'm gonna stay out of the conversation on the Air Force

I'm currently in Baghdad - its a pretty exciting city, lots of stuff going on (both politically and as far as the war is concerned). I'll attach a link at the bottom of this that has a pic of me with the Iraqi Monument/Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. And just so all of you know - I dont look like a typical Marine, and I cant talk about what I do - so please dont ask.

And you're right on about the handstands (I practice them alot and do a crap load of upsidedown push ups) and I also spend a fair amount of time doing swing up drills on the pull up bar - and get alot of odd looks from the other guys... lol

Pic ... 3763VwaiLR
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Unread postby vaulter870 » Tue Mar 15, 2005 9:38 am

hey man we all get strange looks for the swing ups no matter where you are. hoooo raaaa!!
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