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Unread postby vaultin chris » Wed Aug 18, 2004 12:58 pm

hopefully you will like Lewis Johnson (UC Alum). He does a pretty good job calling races and interviewing. there was one guy who i absolutely despised but i havent heard his annoying voice in a while, i'm not sure of his name but i think its larry rawlson or something like that. that guy gets the mute button whenever tracks on tv.
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Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Wed Aug 18, 2004 2:54 pm

You guys who have stopped subscribing to T&F News have missed lots of great pole vault coverage over the past couple years. They cover it better than most other events.

Now if you were a racewalk fan there would be reason to complain about crappy coverage :P

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Re: track and field news

Unread postby Bruce Caldwell » Wed Aug 18, 2004 3:24 pm

vaultmom wrote:They are distance running lovers... we stopped taking TF News years ago. I agree with Essex the mag needs to improve. But I cant stand the TV coverage and what is the deal with Carol Lewis !!! I think she is horrible but then I am not a fan of Dwight Stones either. The TV coverage needs to quit this insipid interviewing of athletes and their ridiculous made up commentary and just show the events ! I laugh when Dwight Stones comments on someones vault...

Actually Dwight has hung out with a lot of vaulters in the past and does know the vault and the vault lingo better than most broadcast announcers and of course he does know the High jump event very well well.

I see Dwight's strengths in that he knows thta athlete, can pronounce their names properly and knows the history.

So while he may not be a PV nut like us all. he does out weigh the alternatives in sports broadcasting.

SO I do give him some credit for knowing the sport the lingo, and the people.


BY the way the JULY issue of TnF was great on coverage, I guess that is why I expected more out of them for the trials. The aug issue did have on the front cover the "&" covereed so I guess it was a true statement TRACKFIELD
Last edited by Bruce Caldwell on Wed Aug 18, 2004 4:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread postby SlickVT » Wed Aug 18, 2004 3:42 pm

Racewalk fan... Isnt that an oxymoron or something like that? Haha...
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Unread postby Beam » Thu Aug 19, 2004 1:52 pm

No one's gonna change my mind. . . TFnews stinks. I wouldn't even call it a magazine. I'm comparing it to other "authentic" magaizines like Sports Illustrated. TFnews is by far the best TnF magazine on the market, but by standards of a quality magazine, it doesn't even come close. I must say though that it is better than the publications like American TnF where all you get for your money is a bunch of "apparel reviews", and lists of performances. I want to see real articles covering real athletes. An article on a race walker would be better than a list of results if the race walker were a fun person to read about. There was a sad and tragic story to be covered of the race walker in S.D. I'm not sure if anything was written about him or not. There is more to be read on the "Athlete Bios" on the internet than there is to read in TnF news. They may cover all the events, but they certainly don't cover them well. IMHO, Beam
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Unread postby Skyin' Brian » Thu Aug 19, 2004 3:10 pm

Beam wrote:No one's gonna change my mind. . . TFnews stinks. I wouldn't even call it a magazine. I'm comparing it to other "authentic" magaizines like Sports Illustrated. TFnews is by far the best TnF magazine on the market, but by standards of a quality magazine, it doesn't even come close. I must say though that it is better than the publications like American TnF where all you get for your money is a bunch of "apparel reviews", and lists of performances. I want to see real articles covering real athletes. An article on a race walker would be better than a list of results if the race walker were a fun person to read about. There was a sad and tragic story to be covered of the race walker in S.D. I'm not sure if anything was written about him or not. There is more to be read on the "Athlete Bios" on the internet than there is to read in TnF news. They may cover all the events, but they certainly don't cover them well. IMHO, Beam

you have some decent points, but comparing tfn to si just makes tfn look great

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Unread postby Beam » Thu Aug 19, 2004 3:21 pm

Skyin' Brian wrote:
you have some decent points, but comparing tfn to si just makes tfn look great

I'm not a mainstream sports kind of guy, but I tried to use a magaizine that would best represent what a sports magazine is. Possibly SI is not the best example. Magazines that I read are Surfer, Surfing, Surfers Journal, Skateboarding, Thrasher, other individual sport type mags. I'm not sure it would be fair to compare TNFnews to these since TnFnews attempts to cover many different events in something that is considered a single sport. SI, although not my style, does a decent job at representing many different sports in a single magazine idea. They surely don't give credit where credit is due to TnF, but at least they have the "Bubka Vs. Jordan" article from the early 90's I believe. Also, I reach just as fast as anyone for the newest copy of TnFnews to see what the lists say about my favorite vaulters. But I don't get anything out of the magazine in the way of articles, stories, or news. It's the best we have, but it definately needs to get much better. That's good news I guess. O:-)
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Unread postby Skyin' Brian » Thu Aug 19, 2004 3:59 pm

Beam wrote:
Skyin' Brian wrote:
you have some decent points, but comparing tfn to si just makes tfn look great

I'm not a mainstream sports kind of guy, but I tried to use a magaizine that would best represent what a sports magazine is. Possibly SI is not the best example. Magazines that I read are Surfer, Surfing, Surfers Journal, Skateboarding, Thrasher, other individual sport type mags. I'm not sure it would be fair to compare TNFnews to these since TnFnews attempts to cover many different events in something that is considered a single sport. SI, although not my style, does a decent job at representing many different sports in a single magazine idea. They surely don't give credit where credit is due to TnF, but at least they have the "Bubka Vs. Jordan" article from the early 90's I believe. Also, I reach just as fast as anyone for the newest copy of TnFnews to see what the lists say about my favorite vaulters. But I don't get anything out of the magazine in the way of articles, stories, or news. It's the best we have, but it definately needs to get much better. That's good news I guess. O:-)

hey, if a better product than tfn comes out i would certainly buy it. i didnt renew my sub to tfn because it seemed expensive for information i could get online for free.

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