Track Spikes

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Track Spikes

Unread postby jhesch » Sun Aug 01, 2004 7:54 pm

So I've been using the same pair of running spikes for pv since about sohpomore year in hs and im gonna be a freshman in college....thinkin its time for a new pair. any specific suggestions before i go get reg. jumpin spikes from the nearest sports stores? and if anyone has any barely used new nice ones, i wear size 12 to 13..............lookin to try to not spend too much money. thx[/quote]

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Unread postby swtvault » Sun Aug 01, 2004 9:10 pm

They had discontinued Nike PV spikes on Eastbay awhile back for 29.99. I don't know if it still stands, but definetey worth a try!

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Unread postby JMP8928 » Mon Aug 02, 2004 7:00 pm

i like the nike zoom LJ, you should definetley check those out... dickpond athletics based in illinois sells them for the cheapest ive seen. check them out -

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Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Tue Aug 03, 2004 7:48 am

A couple summers ago my bag got stolen with all of my track stuff. I learned the hard way that our local specialty running store did not carry jumping spikes past early June :( Luckily the cops found my bag.

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Unread postby Barto » Tue Aug 03, 2004 9:40 am

Has Jump spikes for 29.95

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Unread postby Russ » Tue Aug 03, 2004 9:45 am

I recently bought a pair of Adidas Triple Jump spikes (the last-year's/discontinued style from First to the Finish (, I think). They were on sale for $39 I believe. I didn't like the "bootie" so I simply took a pair of scissors and cut off the bootie.

They feel great and work great for jumping. I've had plantar fascitiis, and these spikes have sufficient arch support to make jumping painless.

I love them, and I'd recommend them. And this from a guy who owns Nike stock. :P

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Unread postby Russ » Tue Aug 03, 2004 9:50 am

Pretty funny. It looks like Barto was typing his response while I was typing mine. We're not in collusion, I promise. First to the Finish is a great outfit. They are very nice folks, and unbelievably fast. I've ordered from Eastbay and Dick Pond also, but the FTF guys are ALWAYS cheaper and much much faster.

Good luck finding the right shoe for you.

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Re: shoes

Unread postby Skyin' Brian » Tue Aug 03, 2004 12:37 pm

JMP8928 wrote:i like the nike zoom LJ, you should definetley check those out... dickpond athletics based in illinois sells them for the cheapest ive seen. check them out -

hey, i live about a mile or two away from one of their stores and actually bought a pair of lj's there

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Unread postby JMP8928 » Tue Aug 03, 2004 2:50 pm

yep, they rock. a vaulter friend from illinois hooked me up with them

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Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Tue Aug 03, 2004 3:49 pm

Russ wrote:First to the Finish is a great outfit. They are very nice folks, and unbelievably fast. I've ordered from Eastbay and Dick Pond also, but the FTF guys are ALWAYS cheaper and much much faster.

I got a great pair of old school Nikes from FTF this spring. They are like the pair that Jeff Hartwig in his poster, and that Tommy Skipper had on at NCAAs.

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Unread postby Bennett1616 » Tue Aug 03, 2004 4:13 pm

i just saw in a mag. that they are making vault specific spikes...stacy will be the first to wear them at the olympics.. dont seem to be too many spikes in the bottom. guess we will see. :)
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Unread postby wacky274 » Tue Aug 03, 2004 9:42 pm

so they are doing a new pv spike for her? last i heard the ones that were going to be coming out were just slightly different than the ones she was currently wearing...
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