
A forum to discuss anything that has to do with pole vaulting that does not fit in the other forums.

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UNCW Vaulter
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Nice topic

Unread postby UNCW Vaulter » Thu Jul 29, 2004 8:20 pm

My freshman year in college I no highted for most of my indoor season. At VT indoor I had to PR just to clear opening hight. Needless to say, I NH'ed there as well. At the following meet (Geoge Mason indoors), right before warm-ups I noticed I was missing a spike and the rest were pretty dull, so I spent just a couple extra minutes changing out my spikes. It was sort of calming. Anyway, I won the meet and found a new pre-competition routine.
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Unread postby blazerunner121 » Fri Jul 30, 2004 9:20 pm

Lord of the Poles wrote: because when I'm feeling shitty about life, I don't do well in meets... when I'm happy with how things are, I do awesome.

same with me. but on shitty days, i tried to concentrate anywayz and hope for the best. i always draw a tiny smiley face stickin its tongue out on the tape of my pole as a funny way to get by a bad day.

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Unread postby Mecham » Sat Jul 31, 2004 3:33 am

Well...i wear a head band type thing. I ripped off my sleeves and wore one as a head band. When its my turn on the runway i do a little dance of my own to pump me up, and maybe get the crowd going a little. So yeah in meets im known as the guy with the head band.
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