New world record in women's vault 4.90m

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New world record in women's vault 4.90m

Unread postby completemadness » Fri Jul 30, 2004 5:51 pm


2 FEOFANOVA Svetlana RUS 4.80

3 ROGOWSKA Anna POL 4.60

4 DRAGILA Stacy USA 4.60

5 BOSLAK Vanessa FRA 4.45

6 SCHWARTZ Jillian USA 4.30

6 SUTTLE Kellie USA 4.30


9 BROWN Zoe GBR 4.10

10 HOWE Kym AUS 4.10


Details 3.90 4.10 4.30 4.45 4.60 4.70 4.80 4.90 4.95
76 Brown XO XO XXX
8 Howe - XXO XXX
174 Pyrek - - XXX
26 Boslak - O O O XXX
219 Suttle - O O XXX
220 Schwartz - - O XXX
125 Elisadottir - O XO XXX
175 Rogowska - O O O XO XXX
214 Dragila - - XO XO XXO XXX
182 Feofanova - - - O O O XO X- XX
183 Isinbayeva - - - O O O O O - !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Unread postby Lord of the Poles » Fri Jul 30, 2004 7:24 pm

so what's 4.90 meters in feet?
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Unread postby Russ » Fri Jul 30, 2004 8:03 pm

16 feet and 3/4 of an inch

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Unread postby Carolina Extreme » Fri Jul 30, 2004 8:47 pm

Don't you just wish they'd quit screwing around, 1/4 inch at a time, and jump 5 meters (16' 4.75"). That's the mark the world will recognize most. :D
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Unread postby blazerunner121 » Fri Jul 30, 2004 9:04 pm

Carolina Extreme wrote:Don't you just wish they'd quit screwing around, 1/4 inch at a time, and jump 5 meters (16' 4.75"). That's the mark the world will recognize most. :D

she keeps breakin it. wonder when it'll end.

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Unread postby tim hutzley » Fri Jul 30, 2004 9:57 pm

she has made like 150 thousand dollars in bonus money in the last month by going up 1/4 inch at a time I would like to see someone jump 5m though, hopefully its stacy.

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Unread postby Carolina Extreme » Sat Jul 31, 2004 1:03 am

Bubka did the same thing. A little at a time and lots of bonus money. I wonder what he could have jumped if he had really went for it in his prime.
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Unread postby wacky274 » Sat Jul 31, 2004 5:56 am

Carolina Extreme wrote:Bubka did the same thing. A little at a time and lots of bonus money. I wonder what he could have jumped if he had really went for it in his prime.

I think this is something that is going to be subject to a lot of wonder and debate for years to come. Many of us have seen jumps of his that to any other vaulter seem high, and he made it look EASY...very good question though...
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Unread postby achtungpv » Sat Jul 31, 2004 9:33 am

Her 4.90 WR. I'd say she's got a bit left in her.

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Unread postby jmayesvaultmom » Sat Jul 31, 2004 12:52 pm

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

That looks like she could've cleared at least 16'6"!!!!
That's Jodie!!

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Other pics

Unread postby jmayesvaultmom » Sat Jul 31, 2004 1:04 pm

Here are some other pictures of the jump...
That's Jodie!!

A scripture that makes me think of all you girls and guys pole vaulting....

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Unread postby vaultmd » Sat Jul 31, 2004 1:07 pm

achtungpv wrote:Her 4.90 WR. I'd say she's got a bit left in her.


*Holy crap*

My "unofficial PR" (Bill Thilken's back yard, with crossbar) is 4.90, and I for sure didn't clear it like that!

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