Neo Vault needs feedback, PLEASE HELP!

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Neo Vault needs feedback, PLEASE HELP!

Unread postby Neo Vaulter » Wed Jul 07, 2004 1:45 pm

Hey everyone. I need some feedback from the online community.

I'm thinking of creating a members only section that will have all the current video clips and more. I would also have member benefits like discounts on DVD's, T-Shirts, stickers, etc. (soon to be made).

So what I need to know is what is continued and improved content on Neo Vault worth?

$5, $10, $20 a month?

Please help me get an idea of what is reasonable. I'm getting slammed with bandwidth overage charges, plus my host put a throttle on the site which has slowed it down considerably.

So I need to make some changes and the ones I want to make are not affordable unless I can charge some money.

I look forward to your responses, and the more written the better.

I am also open to suggestions in terms of content etc.

Thanks all!

Sean Brown

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Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Wed Jul 07, 2004 3:24 pm

I think you should have Nick host you instead :P

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Unread postby Scott Go Pre » Wed Jul 07, 2004 4:11 pm


The website is awesome! One way that i heard that can help pay for the charges is get sponsors. I don't really know how it works but i think it helps. If you do charge for memberships, i would say have three different types of memberships. A Gold, Silver, and Bronze memberships.

Here is an idea of what to charge and what is included in each.

Bronze- charge $5 per month
benefits: access to all online videos, and up to 5 percent on videos

Silver- charge $10 per month
benefits: all listed in bronze plus a 5 to 10 percent discount on clothing and dvds

Gold- charge $15 per month
benefits: all that is listed in silver plus a 10 to 15 percent discount on clothing and dvds

You could also ask for donations too.

Just to give you an idea of what you could add onto NeoVault.

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Unread postby Skyin' Brian » Wed Jul 07, 2004 4:46 pm

i love the neovault site and the the dvds. the dvd's are definately worth the 40 bucks a piece to a pole vaulter, but i doubt that you would get a whole lot os subscribers if you charge even 5 bucks a month. at $60 a year for a membership you could almost get 2 years of track and field news for that much.
the site provides an incredible service of things like putting up tobys 6m jump shortly after it happens and posting all kinds of wonderful clips, but it would be difficult to determine how much people are willing to pay for this. maybe only offer the website to those who purchase a neovault dvd in the future.

anyway, good luck. i am a fan of your videos and not sure that i would be interested in a monthly membership though. perhaps something like $20 for a year would be more appropriate but even then most people would probably be reluctant to pay. for me the dvds hold a lot more value than the website itself(though it is definately the top site for video clips on the web right now)

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Unread postby DaRuk » Wed Jul 07, 2004 4:46 pm

Id pay but i think it should have more than just clips... where could you get that many new clips each month anyway. If you could give us like tips on vaulting too if we post a question thatd be worth it (especially if Curran was in on it). Youre not losing money now, are you?

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Unread postby Neo Vaulter » Wed Jul 07, 2004 8:23 pm

Keep the feedback coming! I really REALLY appreciate it.

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Unread postby Beam » Thu Jul 08, 2004 4:42 pm

I'm not sure if paying per month would help all that much. Even if I had the money, I'd get bored with writing a 5 dollar check every month to visit a site. You might want to also find out who your audience is. If you have 300 hits from high schoolers, then only 2 hits from fathers who just started learning about the vault, then you would want to make charges based on the high school population. I liked the idea of paying per year, or every six months. And if Dean is hosting your site, I'm sure he will have really good ideas concerning how to cut your costs and such. Hope this helps.
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Unread postby 95 » Thu Jul 08, 2004 7:53 pm

I think that Neo Vault does an excellent job of covering the American vault scene, but I think the site would be greatly improved if there were to be more videos of international vaulters' big jumps, though procuring this footage may be too difficult for this to be realistic. With or without international vault videos, i would still be willing to pay reasonable fees or deal with pop-up/ ads in order to reap the benefits of the site.

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Unread postby Lord of the Poles » Thu Jul 08, 2004 10:20 pm

ok, I KNOW I posted...but oh well...

I said something about webcomics offering an exclusive thing every month to people who donated in that month... like wallpaper or something...
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Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Thu Jul 08, 2004 11:05 pm

Oh yeah Sean you should talk to Dean and bounce ideas off of him if nothing else. He might be able to help you out with the web hosting as well.

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Unread postby DaRuk » Fri Jul 09, 2004 1:40 am

I just got the NeoVault DVDs in the mail today they're PRO. :eek: I like the little story things with Besmer and Yoo Kim too, Sean B. Your goin huge for the vauler community man. I feel the energy... I wanna vault. Yea!! Do us a favor and keep with this... your gonna help blow PV up.

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Unread postby Beam » Fri Jul 09, 2004 1:40 pm

DaRuk wrote: Sean B. Your goin huge for the vauler community man..

Did you mean "baller" community? "Wish I was a baller. . . wish I was a bit taller. . ." We may have some kind of hip hop thing going here. All you need now, Sean, is a hum vee, some gold chains, a fake afro, pilot glasses, perhaps some leapord print shorts, and some of them bit gitty estrogen bolt on ladies doing a butt shake in one of your short films. Keep it up. We'll hit mainstream pop culture soon! Exactly what this sport needs. :P
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