What pole?

A forum to discuss everything to do with pole vaulting equipment: poles, pits, spikes, etc.

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Unread postby jhesch » Fri Jun 25, 2004 11:43 pm

ill tell you what, i started the season off with some nice ESSX poles but eventually blew threw them. well when i started with them, i have a pretty good picture of one of my vaults when i started to swing. at this point in the season i had a very low plant and takeoff; consequently, there is a low bend in my pole (ESSX). later in the season when getting a much better plant and upwards takeoff, i get a nice high bend. (with a Pacer) i think what is much more important then the pole is your vault. a pole will not save crappy technique. for the record, right now im vaulting on Pacers cause they are the only current ones i have that fit me. (well last month i did, right now im taking a month off from track) however, im a big fan of ESSX, the biggest difference ive noticed thusfar being their weight (they're carbon, and unbelievable compared to other brans w/ same ratings w/ regard to pole weight.) Hopefully Ill be able to get some new ones eventually that fit better that i can compare better to Pacers or Spirits.
If you want, PM me, ill show you some pictures of a real low bend w/ an ESSX, or a high bend Pacer. Your vault will dictate the shape of pole and height you clear MUCH more than the pole you vault on.

and just for the record, im curious...does Earl Bell have some form of degree in engineering or does he just base his 'designs' off of experience in general w/ vaulting? it seems several people are involved in making ESSX poles, namely the infamous (or famous, rather? :D ) Bruce Caldwell as well as engineers on his staff. on a personal note, these may be my fav. << im just wonderin about more info about em.

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Unread postby NUVAULTER » Sat Jun 26, 2004 2:38 pm

18 strides 4.75- 16.4 flex or 15'7'' 195 pounds
14 strides- 4.60 -13.3 or 15 195
10 strides- 4.60 14.9 or 15 185

I am 5'8'' and weigh about 158 in season I also prefer UCS not a big fan of carbons i dont like the way they bend and they turn in my hand too
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Unread postby zack » Sat Jun 26, 2004 7:56 pm

If a pole twists in your hand you probably aren't holding it right.

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Unread postby smokinvaulter1 » Sat Jun 26, 2004 9:33 pm

16 strides-4.90 24.0
16 strides-4.90 23.8
16 strides- 4.90 23.0
16 strides-4.90 22.4
16 strides-4.90 21.8
16 strides-4.90 21.0
16 strides-5.00 21.8
16 strides- 5.00 21.0
16.strides- 5.00 20.8
I have jumped on all those poles in 1 day before start at 16' 150 and going up al the the way to a 5m 170 LOL all Carbon FXs and jump 5.40 starting at 4.60. roll wit it. LOL

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Unread postby NUVAULTER » Sun Jun 27, 2004 1:11 pm

zack wrote:If a pole twists in your hand you probably aren't holding it right.

no I hold them right, thy just roll in my hand right before i plant, im not the only one this happens to either,
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Rolls in your hand before you plant?

Unread postby Decamouse » Sun Jun 27, 2004 2:35 pm

Now this is an interesting occurance - the pole twist in your hand before plant? And you think it has to do with the pole or it's design!!!!
Plant like crap sometimes ok most times

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Unread postby jhesch » Sun Jun 27, 2004 3:01 pm


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Is it the pole or the pilot??

Unread postby Bruce Caldwell » Sun Jun 27, 2004 4:09 pm

NUVAULTER wrote:18 strides 4.75- 16.4 flex or 15'7'' 195 pounds
14 strides- 4.60 -13.3 or 15 195
10 strides- 4.60 14.9 or 15 185

I am 5'8'' and weigh about 158 in season I also prefer UCS not a big fan of carbons i dont like the way they bend and they turn in my hand too

If you have a pole twist in the hand??
Before you blame it on the pole try adjusting the position you plant the pole first and see if it is pilot error and not the pole.
A real twister is rare now days as we all are calculating the soft side before the pole is placed in the oven. This positioning is the key that has virtually eliminated twisters. If one holds the pole correctly but does not complete the rotation of the pole in the plant the pole can twist in the hand, but is pilot error.

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Unread postby NUVAULTER » Sun Jun 27, 2004 11:58 pm

well i never blamed it on the pole i just said i didnt like carbons bnecuase ive had problems with them turning in my hand, it is just my opinion
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Unread postby jhesch » Mon Jun 28, 2004 1:23 am

well why would carbons act any different in your hand? and how is that not blaming the pole? you just blamed 'carbons'. doesnt make any sense.

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Re: What pole?

Unread postby Big Stick » Sun Nov 21, 2004 2:50 pm

xtremevaulter wrote:Hey everyone. I want to know what types of poles you people out there use. And what the measurments are of that pole. I know that sounds dirty. I use mainly 14' UCS anywhere around 170lbs. - 185lbs.

Hey, I weight 155Lbs and right now im useing a 13'6 165Lb Pacer.
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Unread postby txpolevaulter33 » Wed Nov 24, 2004 1:33 pm

I jump on a 14' 150 running from about 86ft( 7 lefts) most of the time, but I have about 3 poles that are a little smaller and 2 a little bigger. They are all ALTIUS poles. Its all i jump on

GO ALTIUS!!!!!!!!!!!
Last edited by txpolevaulter33 on Wed Nov 24, 2004 5:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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