
This is a forum to discuss pole vault technique as it relates to intermediate level pole vaulting.
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Unread postby DaRuk » Thu Jun 24, 2004 9:28 pm

Ive seen some crazy triks out there... like Sarafian do a twist/front flip over 15-6! (nice)
The pop-up back flip is easy and the stall/frontflip looks simple, but Im always scared to try it :o
I tried the Huffman roll the yesterday and somehow only made 1 twist and came straight down on my face. Yes, my face. :confused:
Anyone got any good ones?

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Unread postby OAKPV2004 » Thu Jun 24, 2004 9:59 pm

Ray scotten has a pretty good trick called "land in the stands and get back up to vault 17-8 and make it on tv"

I saw his crash on TV when they showed the NCAA championships the other day, but they didnt show the landing.
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Unread postby blazerunner121 » Thu Jun 24, 2004 10:04 pm

just wonderin, how did scott huffman come with his "huffman roll, did he like several days discover a different way of vaulting through rolling?

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Unread postby Skyin' Brian » Thu Jun 24, 2004 10:09 pm

blazerunner121 wrote:just wonderin, how did scott huffman come with his "huffman roll, did he like several days discover a different way of vaulting through rolling?

from what i heard it just started to happen to him some time in college when he attempted higher heights and never really tried to do it. i dont know a whole lot about it though. i inadvertantly huffman rolled in practice at a bungie once a few years ago. that is the only time ive rolled but i didnt try to do it.

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Unread postby Peepers PV » Fri Jun 25, 2004 12:48 am

blazerunner121 wrote:just wonderin, how did scott huffman come with his "huffman roll, did he like several days discover a different way of vaulting through rolling?

I was told he was a high jumper before he became a pole vaulter and he just took the western roll style of high jumping and applied it to pole vaulting. This could be wrong though.
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Unread postby ryansanta » Fri Jun 25, 2004 3:26 am

I thought it was when he didnt have a good plant or something and went to bail out but ended up going for it anyways or something along those lines, not exactly.

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Unread postby Lord of the Poles » Fri Jun 25, 2004 9:21 am

Wow...the myth lives on...haha... There doesn't seem to be a single story that two people really agree on...hahaha...
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Unread postby VaultNinja » Fri Jun 25, 2004 10:51 am

I can tell you this much. I have seen him jump, live and on video, and the guy is incredible. Kurt Hannah does the role alot too, and he said that sometimes he roles and sometimes he doesn't, but he doesn't have a choice between the two, they just happen. He said that Huffman was that way too.
- If you want to see Huffman in action check out this clip on Neovault it is awsome....
It is towards the bottom of the page.
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Unread postby UNCW Vaulter » Fri Jun 25, 2004 11:48 am

blazerunner121 wrote:just wonderin, how did scott huffman come with his "huffman roll, did he like several days discover a different way of vaulting through rolling?

He was a gymanst and had awesome body control. He never "tried" to vault that way. Evidence of this is that his highest vaults were in the regular vaulting technique. He did it out of neccesity when he was to deep into the standards. He would whip around the bar to clear just to clear a height, usually followed by him adjusting the standards or moving up to a heavier pole. The guy is definately an impressive athlete though.
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Re: Huffman

Unread postby Skyin' Brian » Fri Jun 25, 2004 11:54 am

UNCW Vaulter wrote:
blazerunner121 wrote:just wonderin, how did scott huffman come with his "huffman roll, did he like several days discover a different way of vaulting through rolling?

He was a gymanst and had awesome body control. He never "tried" to vault that way. Evidence of this is that his highest vaults were in the regular vaulting technique. He did it out of neccesity when he was to deep into the standards. He would whip around the bar to clear just to clear a height, usually followed by him adjusting the standards or moving up to a heavier pole. The guy is definately an impressive athlete though.

i thought his american record was a roll though

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Unread postby PVPhD » Fri Jun 25, 2004 3:18 pm

Scott's American record and most of his vaults during the last years of his elite career were rolls.

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Unread postby Oyndapants » Fri Jun 25, 2004 6:06 pm

That was so funny when you landed on your face on wednesday derek, you idiot. You only twisted once like a dumb.
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