pole vault at the olympics

A forum to discuss anything that has to do with pole vaulting that does not fit in the other forums.

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Skyin' Brian
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Unread postby Skyin' Brian » Sun May 30, 2004 11:53 am

zack wrote:
krupat wrote:im not quite sure where this was or even when it was, but jeaf galifone and jeff hartwig were in a comp at 5.80 or so. hartwig missed his attempts at said hieght and galifone on third try, went over the bar and hit it, it was falling off when he grabbed his left hand arround it and placed it back on to a vicory. the vids are at www.stabhochsprung.com

You're thinking off '99 World Indoors in Japan. Hartwig was called for volzing on a jump over 6.00m then the next jump Galfione clears the bar but volzes worse then Hartwig, doesn't get called for it and wins the gold. At least that is my understanding of what happened.

i didnt think hartwig volzed
i thought they called galfione and then took back the call to give him the gold.
there was picture of galfione in t&f news that i had blown up into a poster of galfione going over the 6m bar with his hand on it. it is pretty cool

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Unread postby vaultmd » Sun May 30, 2004 9:34 pm

lonpvh wrote:Yea, that's the story. He did flip them all off. I'm not sure what the situation was except that they were booing him during the vault. LB

He actually gave them the "up yours" fist. There was a picture of it in Sports Illustrated. My understanding was that he was making the gesture to the crowd, which was jeering for every one of his attempts, but the deal about the gates being opened may be true. I know they were opening the gates to affect the javelin.

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