Bad 3 days of vaulting

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Bad 3 days of vaulting

Unread postby crumpman » Mon May 17, 2004 9:11 pm

How's this for a bad weekend +

Former vaulters Princeton HS OH - Sat 5/15
John Russell (18' .5"pr) - NH MAC Champs
Chris Smith (17' 1"pr) - NH CUSA Champs

Current vaulters Princeton HS OH - District Meet today 5/17
Eric Keyes (13' 6" pr Jr) - NH District Champs - may have had a world
record for height over the bar
Zach Meverden (12' 6" pr Fr) - NH District Champs...moving to Pittsburgh!!

I didn't know about Chris until I got home tonight, he was my last hope!!!
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Robert schmitt
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Unread postby Robert schmitt » Tue May 18, 2004 11:42 am

That sucks! I have three boys and three girls in district meets this week I hope the run of bad luck is over.
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Unread postby VTechVaulter » Wed May 19, 2004 11:36 pm

thats the way this sport goes. In one of bells videos he says "You will have more bad days than good, and thats why perserverance becomes so important. Because you will have those good days, when the vault just feels so easy"

sooo i got the bad days part down pretty good, now waiting for those easy vaults. haha
Brian Mondschein
Philadelphia Jumps Club, Coach and Co-Founder

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