How many vaulters have jumped their age the past few years?

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Unread postby wacky274 » Wed Nov 13, 2002 7:40 pm

yeah, man, washington seems like it's girls have it going'll be cool to see someone over 13 though....i'm looking forward to some big vaults in arizona from the women this year. we've got katie morgan, over 12' 6" last year as a sophmore, and also april kubishta over 12' 7" last year as a junior....i can't wait to see what these two are going to do this season
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Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Wed Nov 13, 2002 7:44 pm

wacky274 wrote:yeah, man, washington seems like it's girls have it going on

Yup! :yes: :star:

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Unread postby swtvault » Thu Nov 14, 2002 11:15 am it goes. I am probably wrong about a few of them

Jacob Davis 19'4 at 19yrs
Max tarasov 19' at 19 yrs
Lawrence Johnson 18'8 @19
Rodion Guataullin 18'2 at 18
Viktor Chistiakov 18'8 at 19

forgetting a bunch....jump in here Dev

Eric Eshbach 18'2 at 18
Jon Henley 17'3 at 17

missing more

Brad Gebauer 14'6 at 14
Jessee Shoemaker 14'6 at 14

Thats all I got folks
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Unread postby Azbeachboy1 » Thu Nov 14, 2002 2:02 pm

tommy skipper:
16' at 15
16'10 at 16
17'7 at 17 or 18 I dont know when his b day is?
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Unread postby PVCoach » Thu Nov 14, 2002 3:26 pm

Tommy is a year older than most seniors. I think he has already had his 19th birthday. So he did not jump his age last year. I think he was 17 when he jumped 16' 10".

I am pretty sure he jumped his age at 16 yrs old though and maybe 15 yrs old.
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Unread postby PvaultinGirl » Thu Nov 14, 2002 10:21 pm

I jumped my grade last year plus 6 inches once. (9'6). but i guess since we won't be having pv this year i won't get to try for 10'. there are a few in va who have jumped their grades (on the girls side):
010'03.00" Lawson, Randi (2004)
011'00.00" Pettine, Kathryn (2003)
012'00.00" Barcus, Kira (2002)
to name a few.
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Unread postby achtungpv » Thu Nov 14, 2002 11:20 pm

Jacob Davis
15 15'6
16 17'6
17 17'3
18 18'6 1/2 (college frosh)
19 19'4 1/4

i believe Eshbach may have still been 17 (barely) when he jumped 18'2 1/4". He also has 17'3" as a 17, maybe 16, yr old the previous season.

Henly 17 17'3"

Mark Buse 15 15'3"...capping 15'9s" finished with a PR around 18'6".

Galfione 18 18'0 1/2"...96 OG champ

Sebastien Homo 16 17'6 3/4" (still his PR 4 years later)

Christian Linskey 16 16-10 3/4 (PR of 17-0 3/4 6 years later)

Mason Findeisen 15 (barely) 16'0" this season, 14 (barely) 14'6", 13 (barely) 13'6"

Jayson Lavender 16 16'+ 17 17'2", 17-10 1/2 all-time quite as a sophmore in college to play football instead.

Kelly STevens 14 15'6" (all-time world age best at the time in...'99? or '00 can't remember) All-time PR only 15'7" however.
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Unread postby PVCoach » Fri Nov 15, 2002 12:14 am

Jacob is "The Man" when it comes to vaulting his age, or age plus one since he jumped 17' 6" at 16.

When you say barely with Eric Eshbach and Mason Findeisen, do you mean they were barely 15 as in 15 plus one month, or barely still 15. I'm guessing barely still the age. Otherwise Mason may be graduating at barely 17. Sounds pretty young to be heading off to college.

Isn't Kelly Stephens a HS senior this year? I hope he breaks his drought and pop's some big ones this year. We've seen him at USATF JO National's. He seems like a good guy.

Great list you put together. They are all in a very elite group that usually consists of only a few per year getting into it, the "Vault Your Age Club".
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Unread postby Courts » Fri Nov 15, 2002 1:43 am

That is a cool idea about jumping your age. It doesn't really work for girls though, because as you get older it is incredibly impressive to jump your age, if not a world record. Jumping your grade is almost too easy, compared to the rareness of a guy jumping their age.

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Unread postby PVCoach » Fri Nov 15, 2002 9:32 am

You are right. Only a handful of guys in the world jump their age each year and a very rare, maybe one or two per year world wide, guy jumps his age plus one. So maybe the measure for the girls would be grade plus two being comparable, with grade plus three being that one or two in the world per year. Would that be high enough, or do we need to say grade plus three & four?
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Unread postby achtungpv » Fri Nov 15, 2002 4:25 pm

By barely I meant they were still that age barely. For example, Jacob was 2 weeks shy of his 20th when he cleared 19'4 1/4". Same for all those others. Birthdays fall after the high school season, so they appear younger in stats. This is part of the reason why the IAAF only looks at the year you were born for age-based records. There is no difference between being born jan first or dec 31st.
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