Video Review of Cameron Meyer

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Re: Video Review of Cameron Meyer

Unread postby dougb » Thu Jun 04, 2015 1:03 am

Pardon me if I take this thread back to the original post.

SFAPoleVaultDAD asked “What can my son do to improve?”. I can understand his desire to help his son, and everything about the vault is about getting higher.

After looking at his college record and the vaults presented, it seems clear that this guy has had a major breakthrough. It happens to all vaulters who keep at it long enough. His vault at 19’ is very impressive. Forget about the tap. It is used with elite vaulters to compensate for the lack of adrenaline in practice which would be there in a meet. Just like Renaud on a raised runway or Hooker on slanted runway. The name of the game is to get on big poles in practice! Pole vault at this level is not a safety issue, more a survival issue.

Others have commented that this guy doesn’t need advice. They are correct.
The only advice I would give is:
Keep practicing!
But, I guess he already knows that.
The older I get, The better I was.

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Re: Video Review of Cameron Meyer

Unread postby KirkB » Thu Jun 04, 2015 2:10 am

dougb wrote: After looking at his college record and the vaults presented, it seems clear that this guy has had a major breakthrough.

That's not true at all. His 18-0 vault was about 51 weeks ago. Since then, he hasn't increased his PR at all. In fact, he's still 6" under his 2014 PR. That's not a breakthrough, that's a slump.

dougb wrote: Just like Renaud on a raised runway or Hooker on slanted runway.

A raised runway and a slanted runway are inert objects. They will affect the vault exactly the same amount every time. I have no objections to anyone using these kinds of props for drills. I also don't have any objections to wind-aided vaults, as that's mother nature, and the vaulter knows how much of a tail-wind he's getting.

My biggest objection to tap vaulting is that the vaulter is putting his life in the hands of someone that will tap him with a RANDOM amount of force, so the comparison with a raised or slanted runway isn't a fair comparison at all.

When I say his LIFE, I literally mean that, with no exaggeration. He could DIE from a tap that's too strong or too weak.

Yes, some coaches may be quite good at controlling the amount of force they USUALLY use when tapping, but the vault is still using 2 unsynchronized brains and 2 bodies, instead of a single brain and a single body. Yes, more than half the time the vaulter will land safely in the pit. But the vaulter is significantly increasing his chances of having a terrible accident by attempting to vault a foot higher than his PR with the aid of a tapper.

Don't give me any crap about it being a worthwhile training exercise - that's BS. At 19 feet, it's nothing more than a foolish, reckless stunt.

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Re: Video Review of Cameron Meyer

Unread postby grandevaulter » Thu Jun 04, 2015 10:04 am

dougb wrote:Pardon me if I take this thread back to the original post.

The discussion of the sand pit drill and how it may help this vaulter is part of this topic and post. Cameron is practicing the sand pit drills to modify his plant and Kirk has advised him that it is a Juvenile drill, but has failed to back this claim up with any credible sources that it is Juvenile.

dougb wrote:SFAPoleVaultDAD asked “What can my son do to improve?”. I can understand his desire to help his son, and everything about the vault is about getting higher

SFADAD has taken a lot of heat, he is a parent of two collegiate athletes. It appears to me that he knows what he is doing and is effectively supporting his sons. He has requested a video review and has supplied more video than the first two. It would be kind and polite to give him one on the board or via private message. They can do what they please with the reviews. If they see a common issue, they may or may not address it but they may.

dougb wrote:Others have commented that this guy doesn’t need advice. They are correct.
The only advice I would give is:
Keep practicing!
But, I guess he already knows that

That may be true, but this father son team has asked for advice. Go out on a limb, stick your neck out and give him some feedback.

It takes humility and courage to ask for help especially at his level. The peanut gallery has been gifted with a golden opportunity with this post.

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Re: Video Review of Cameron Meyer

Unread postby KirkB » Thu Jun 04, 2015 2:46 pm

grandevaulter wrote: The discussion of the sand pit drill and how it may help this vaulter is part of this topic and post. Cameron is practicing the sand pit drills to modify his plant and Kirk has advised him that it is a Juvenile drill, but has failed to back this claim up with any credible sources that it is Juvenile.

You just won't drop it, will you? :dazed:

I suspect that sand pit drills aren't used much by college coaches for their 18-0+ vaulters (but I could be wrong). That's why I have suggested that you take a poll, and find out what college coaches like and don't like about them. But you have ignored this suggestion. Instead, you just continue to cajole me about them.

What I said was:
KirkB wrote: You might also be interested in taking a poll of college coaches, and see how many of them use sand drills for their elite (18-0+) vaulters. Ask them why they do or why they don't use them. :idea:

Grandevaulter, you are the one that's so keen about these drills, so you own this - not me.

dougb wrote: The only advice I would give is:
Keep practicing! ...

grandevaulter wrote: ... this father son team has asked for advice. Go out on a limb, stick your neck out and give him some feedback.

For once, I agree with Grandevaulter.

If you have any good advice for Tim and Cameron, please give it to them. Grandevaulter and I are about done here (I hope.)

"Keep practicing" is rather weak advice. You can do better than that!

Maybe you can share your personal experiences doing sand pit drills?

Just don't give them (or us) any more crap about how good tap-vaulting over a 19 foot bungee is as a training excercise! :no:

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Re: Video Review of Cameron Meyer

Unread postby PolevaultPolevault » Thu Jun 04, 2015 7:31 pm

You all are idiots. The 19' bungee video takes place at S.F. Austins indoor vault facility. Its probably their coach Jeff giving him a tap. Watch any of demi payne's practice videos on her instagram and Jeff is giving her a push also, not sure about the bungee being at a legit 19', standards might be a bit off but even with the sag in the bungee its probably over 18'. judging by the distance between the top of the pole ( probably a 16' pole) and the bungee. If the video was posted on may 22, 2015 then the vault probably happened a few days before. No need to criticize someone for not saying the vault is over a bungee and with a tap.

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Re: Video Review of Cameron Meyer

Unread postby grandevaulter » Thu Jun 04, 2015 10:54 pm

KirkB wrote:You just won't drop it, will you?

Yes, I will now that you cannot provide any credible sources other than you think that sand pit drills are too "juvenile" for this vaulter when his dad mentioned that he was using them to improve.

David Butler move ahead to 10:20 minutes. He also describes a conversation with Bubka about straight pole drills and how they aid in making corrections.

Brian Yokoyama coached a 19' 1" Olympian and several 18' plus. See his description of the sand pit drills. ... _MODEL.pdf

Kirk, when you make a ridiculous claim, you might want to back it up with something more than, "I think sand pit vaulting is Juvenile" or of that affect.

I think ;) . The Butler film is great viewing and the Yokoyama material is pretty good too.

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Re: Video Review of Cameron Meyer

Unread postby KirkB » Thu Jun 04, 2015 11:50 pm

grandevaulter wrote: Kirk, when you make a ridiculous claim ...

It's not a ridiculous claim. It's just my personal opinion. You have twisted this into calling it a ridiculous claim.

You continue to persecute me about this, yet it was just one casual bit of advice that I gave to Tim. It's not as big of a deal as you've made it out to be. You've made a huge mountain out of a little mole hill. :no:

I'm done on this thread, as it appears that no matter what I say, you will insist on the last word. So go ahead and have your last word, but don't expect a reply from me.

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Re: Video Review of Cameron Meyer

Unread postby SFAPoleVaultDAD » Sun Jun 07, 2015 12:29 am

To all that will view this thread it has a happy ending!!!!

Cameron has really progressed this last week and we have both learned valuable information and built some budding relationships from this experience.

So I would say to others even though the crowd can be tough at times post your videos for advice because you will have a lot of information come your way from it.

P.S. I think Cameron will be out of that "Slump" that Kirk said he was in very soon :) and a big thanks to the people on this thread that has helped him get there!!!

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