can't plant. it's pissing me off

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can't plant. it's pissing me off

Unread postby lyuminaty » Thu Jan 22, 2015 8:56 pm

I don't know why but when I run my step the opposite direction of the box I have an accurate 89 6 reading. But when I run it to plant I freak out and over stride my last 2 steps which makes me under. This hadn't happen to me ever and it doesn't make sense because I always ran a 7 step in my last season and vaulted. It's really bugging me and I need to fix my fear asap. Any fixes or has it happens to you guys?

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Re: can't plant. it's pissing me off

Unread postby jam354 » Sat Jan 24, 2015 10:01 am

Although it was a long time ago, I had this problem in high school. It plagued me for years. Everyone would always tell me it was in my head. In actuality, the problem was that I was outside and was simply over striding because I perceived that I would be to far out. A lot if times you can run the same over and over if you are running back, but you don't run exactly like that when you go towards the pit. Somedays it may be fine, but if you are not running fast one day, this problem will occur. The problem gets worse when a coach tells you to move back because you are under. But you are only under because you over stride.

Bottom line, I would move your step up. I had a meet in high school when I couldn't take off and was over striding. My step was under every time. A very wise coach from another team told me to move up. I moved up about a half a foot and he said to move up at least 5 feet. Sounded crazy, but had no over striding and took off every time after I did it. Ended the day with a pr. Not saying you should move up 5 feet, but I would start with 2 or so and see what happens. Usually you will perceive a better take off and get your feet down and explode off the ground. Hope this helps.

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Re: can't plant. it's pissing me off

Unread postby KirkB » Sat Jan 24, 2015 3:47 pm

Another idea is to run a 5 step until you're nailing that every time, then get back to your 7 step.

The shorter your run, the easier it should be to hit your takeoff.

Also consider DJ's way of ensuring your run is on with a midmark. Search PVP for threads about his midmark chart.

Run. Plant. Jump. Stretch. Whip. Extend. Fly. Clear. There is no tuck! THERE IS NO DELAY!

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Re: can't plant. it's pissing me off

Unread postby lyuminaty » Sat Jan 24, 2015 6:02 pm

I'm going to try that jam. That's exactly what is happening right now. When I run to the box it seems as if it's really far and I over stride. Thanks means a lot and I'll tell you how to works out

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Re: can't plant. it's pissing me off

Unread postby jam354 » Sun Jan 25, 2015 11:54 am

KirkB wrote:Another idea is to run a 5 step until you're nailing that every time, then get back to your 7 step.

The shorter your run, the easier it should be to hit your takeoff.

Also consider DJ's way of ensuring your run is on with a midmark. Search PVP for threads about his midmark chart.


Agree with Kirk. Use DJ's Mid chart. I think when a vaulter runs back they are not preparing to jump. When going towards the pit the run is different because you need to put yourself in a position to jump off the ground. That's what DJ's chart reflects. Good luck.

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Re: can't plant. it's pissing me off

Unread postby grandevaulter » Fri Jan 30, 2015 8:55 am

Plant/Run up problems are typically a result of poorly synchronized hands and feet. Not a magic mid step measuring system.

You first must stabilize your run with the pole. 20/20s, Claws and Ostrich steps. 6 of each three times a week. These will improve your run up and build consistency in your stride. Walking, jogging and sprinting three left plant drills. Hundreds of those. Full approach from your 7 step starting your plant moving the pole ahead on your 5th left and moving the pole up on just ahead of your 6th left. Do this out on the track or ball field. Hundreds of those.

If you are not planting your pole as you run your steps away from the box/pit or out on the track, It is not an accurate measurement. DJ's mid chart is great, but if you have not practiced plant drills and have not stabilized your approach it will be "garbage in and garbage out" Cheers!

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Re: can't plant. it's pissing me off

Unread postby KirkB » Fri Jan 30, 2015 2:06 pm

Grandevaulter, while I don't disagree with your suggestions, I think that Lyuminaty is going to find it tough to do what you suggest without a coach there guiding him.

I think your suggestions are what you would talk him through if you were his coach. However, he doesn't mention anything about having a coach. Rather, he's in a rut and he's asking how to get out of it.

I agree that there's never (or hardly ever) any quick fixes, but in Lyuminaty's situation, I think that's what he's asking for. He just wants (needs) to get airborne.

I also think that he'll have difficulty implementing my earlier advice (to use DJ's Midmark Chart) without a coach. After all, it's a COACH'S midmark, for a COACH to use while standing beside the runway.

So in relation to the problem described, perhaps the best advice is "seek professional help" or "get a coach".

Lyuminaty, it's been a week since you first reported this mental block. Have you solved it yet? Did you try a shorter run, and if so, how did that work for you?

Run. Plant. Jump. Stretch. Whip. Extend. Fly. Clear. There is no tuck! THERE IS NO DELAY!

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