8 step jump

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8 step jump

Unread postby RudiWhoop » Thu Apr 04, 2013 6:11 pm

Hey. No coach at the moment so all help will be appreciated. I biggest challenge is not taking off under. I have no problems with it with a low grip. The challenge is that when I move up my grip, I tend to overstride at least the last step maybe the last three. The result is that Im the most consistent person in the world when it comes to take off spot, problem is I cant move my grip up, which is limiting me immensely. my push of hight is at 50 cm, but that doesnt help much when my maximum grip hight at its best is at 4m / 13 feet. I've no problem with my aproach at the long jump. Just as consistent as in the pole vault, but when moving one foot out in the long jump i'm also one foot further out at take off, thats not the case here :/. I've done a lot of 20/20 drills, I dont know many drills so any drills would be appreciated.

Thanks for your respons :)


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJdMQ5L8 ... e=youtu.be

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Re: 8 step jump

Unread postby altius » Thu Apr 04, 2013 9:05 pm

You look like and athletic guy - but you will always feel and be under with a plant as late as that.
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Re: 8 step jump

Unread postby brad757johnson » Tue Apr 09, 2013 1:46 pm

Your plant is so jammed up its almost impossible for you to row and get inverted on the pole. Secondly this is a 6 left run so i dont know where the 8 step title came into play. and you need to think about pushing your hips up constantly throughout the jump because right now you hip movement is stationary for at least half of the jump.

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Re: 8 step jump

Unread postby RudiWhoop » Wed Apr 10, 2013 3:03 pm

brad757johnson wrote:Your plant is so jammed up its almost impossible for you to row and get inverted on the pole. Secondly this is a 6 left run so i dont know where the 8 step title came into play. and you need to think about pushing your hips up constantly throughout the jump because right now you hip movement is stationary for at least half of the jump.

Haha, sorry. Uploaded the wrong clip. Heres the 8 step. Im a better jumper, the shorter the run up. However the technique is pretty much the same I think. I've got real problems controlling the run up how longer it gets. 8 steps is the longest run up I feel Im in control of my jump. I would realy like to here what you think. If you want you can take a look at it here:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVHUg5YJ ... tube_gdata

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