Sasquatch Discovered; Wookie Shamed

A forum to discuss anything that has to do with pole vaulting that does not fit in the other forums.

Moderators: Russ, lonpvh

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Bruce Caldwell
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Expertise: It is all about Pole Vaulting. I even catch the competitors poles!
Lifetime Best: 15'8"
Favorite Vaulter: Kjell Issakson, Jan Johnson
Location: DFW TEXAS

I agree it is the most common reasons

Unread postby Bruce Caldwell » Wed Feb 18, 2004 10:25 am

Decamouse wrote:Low - slow - levered like crazy - weight more than pole rating - not sure how much the big spike mark halfway across the pole at one of the breaks had to do with it - the U of I kid who normally jumps on that pole was none to happy with the guy who borrowed it - James had jumped just over 15' on it the day before - but -stuff happens - someone borrows your pole -

PS: The pole was not brand new - James just took good care of it - also if you are almost sitting on the pit and you are still holding on to a 15' pole - you probably need to work on your take off

If you set on the pole it will break. You have to jump with the pole!!!

But yes stuff does happen when one loans out a pole. IF th eperson borrowing the poel spikes it, or over loads it , oyumay get the pole back that looks ok but could of been fatigued or overloaded.
It could break under normal use after that as the pole is stressed over and over the weak area.

If your take-off is under you can break a pole.

5 breaks is 99.99% of the time a pole that was too small for the vaulter.

I hate to see any brand pole break

Carolina Extreme
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Unread postby Carolina Extreme » Thu Feb 19, 2004 8:47 pm

Russ wrote:The noise of that break was like a mini-explosion...the loudest pole break I've ever heard. The magnitude of the sound may have been exacerbated by being indoors.

The magnitude of the sound was no doubt exacerbated by the colors. LOL O:-)
“Mediocre efforts are like meaty okra. It’s hard to chew and even tougher to swallow.” Rusty Shealy

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That one guy
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World Record Holder?: Renaud Lavillenie
Favorite Vaulter: Jason Hinkin
Location: Gig Harbor, WA

Unread postby ashcraftpv » Thu Feb 19, 2004 10:01 pm

I really like the setup Jim has there at Maine South, especially when Jan's in town. The weights, track, and gymnastics equipment all in one spot. Can't beat that.....
PoleVaultPlanet is coming.....

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