running schedule

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running schedule

Unread postby asaleh » Sat Feb 16, 2013 2:02 pm

Spring season coming up, what is the amount of days a week should I focus on running and on vaulting . How should I spread these days out. Also, what 're some good running workouts I should be doing. (My coach is a distance guy, so he likes doing 800m style workouts). I would really appreciate this info. Thank you.
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Re: running schedule

Unread postby DLM » Sun Feb 17, 2013 1:44 pm

here is what I like my vaulters to do, for the boy's I have them run with a 4 foot long 1 inch diameter plastic pipe filled with sand for the Girls it is 3 foot long.
I have them do 11 left or right step runs depending on if you are left or fight handed, building up speed to max at 7 or 8 steps and the the last 3 or 4 steps are for condition. The goal is to get up to 30 time. The rest time is the time it takes to walk back to the start with each run using good form with high knees and good drive. do as many as you can with good form and speed (10 or so) and when you fill the speed and form starting to falter do two more and then stop. keep this up two or three times a week until you reach the goal of 30. remember 30 is my number it does not need to be yours. Good luck with your training and your season, but above all be safe.


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Re: running schedule

Unread postby Tom Wilson » Sun Feb 17, 2013 7:50 pm

If you have or can get about (14) 12” banana hurdles, set them out at a consistent spread, mark where each goes on the track so you can set them up easily every day. 4-1/2 foot spread seems to work well for most vaulters. Be very consistent on the spacing. (Track coaches will perhaps let vaulters use outside straightaway lane for this.) Start about 20’ back and run the hurdles as follows:

3x run
1x hop on one foot through them
3x run
1x hop on other foot through them
3x run
1x double leg bunny hop through them

Many start this swinging their foot around the hurdles. Don’t do that. Lead the run with your knees. Thigh should come parallel to ground, do not lean. Foot should not swing around it needs to stay in line with knee. In the beginning no concern for speed, as you get better go quicker.

Later in season do the runs with your pole.

This will develop a better, actually excellent, PV run. It is pretty quick to do and is fun.

PS While you're at it. Try 10 handstands at end of every practice even if you can’t do them well. You’ll be a pro in a few weeks and it helps teach body control.

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Re: running schedule

Unread postby altius » Sun Feb 17, 2013 10:10 pm

In brief and in haste because there is a complete chapter on the run up in BTB2. But simple really with young vaulters. 90% of their running should be with a pole and 70% of that should deal with the actual run up the athlete intends to use.

Use a small number of drills - always with a pole; 30 - 40 yards/straight leg claws/ostriches/high knees and the 20/20 drill IE 20 steps in 20 metres. Never run 800 metres or indeed anything further than 150. Key concepts for coaches are SPECIFICITY and the efficient use of time.

Put the run up together with 6 to 10 running strides leading into a 6 step planting action these with high cadence -developed naturally from the 20/20 drill (IE a 12 step or16 step run up in total ) Start walking (12 0r 16) , then jogging, running, sprinting, then sprinting to plant into a towel. at least one session a week throughout the year if possible - leading to 10/15 full attempts into the towel before transferring to the box. Use these full runs to establish mid and take off marks.

However all of this must also be done with immense concentration on developing a precise planting action.
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Re: running schedule

Unread postby dj » Tue Feb 19, 2013 12:07 pm

Thanks Alan for giving the readers the specifics of getting a correct and fast(er) run..

This is simple, progressive and specific…

You have described what Mike Tully did for his approach run from 1983 to 1988… the best jumps he ever recorded and the best run(speed) of his career…

The "percentages" you mentioned, with the pole are very similar from ones I got from a Russian study in the 70's… that study showed very pointedly that if you want to run fast on the runway with the pole you have to practice your approaches, with speed and with the pole…

How do I monitor the correctness of the full approach? With the 6 step mark. Make sure the pole carry, posture, acceleration and drop "rhythm" is correct to the "MID" and make sure the plant action, stride cadence, posture and speed is correct from 6 (MID) to the plant/takeoff.

Principles of KISS, SAID (specificity) and progression….


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Re: running schedule

Unread postby altius » Tue Feb 19, 2013 6:25 pm

Interesting dj as my recommendations were for a young athlete so the similarity is interesting. How is Johnson City and ETSU??? Went there just once for the Ohio Valley Conference Champs -sometime late 60s/early 70s. Naturally we won again!!! Does the OVC still exist? :D
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Re: running schedule

Unread postby dj » Wed Feb 20, 2013 10:41 am is simply the best process to get the approach run done correctly.. consistency-speed-posture-pole drop/plant…. For all vaulters.. and for vaulters that already know how to vault it should be 90% of the run training that is dine.


toe your mark... position the pole... "come out of the back-get your feet down-plant big"

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Re: running schedule

Unread postby coachjvinson » Wed Feb 20, 2013 3:14 pm

dj wrote:toe your mark... position the pole... "come out of the back-get your feet down-plant big"


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