Getting into polevault shape.

A forum to discuss overall training techniques, nutrition, injuries, etc. Discussion of actual pole vault technique should go in the Technique forum.
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Getting into polevault shape.

Unread postby Lilmicmike » Thu Jan 17, 2013 5:18 pm

Hey guys I'm a sophmore in highschool I'm currently in basketball for 3 more weeks till I can start vaulting. So I was wondering if I need to be doing something to get me ready to vault again?

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Re: Getting into polevault shape.

Unread postby altius » Thu Jan 17, 2013 7:09 pm

Lilmicmike wrote:Hey guys I'm a sophmore in highschool I'm currently in basketball for 3 more weeks till I can start vaulting. So I was wondering if I need to be doing something to get me ready to vault again?

Yes indeed -get a pole and start doing run up and pant drills! :yes:
Its what you learn after you know it all that counts. John Wooden

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