3-7 Training System

A forum to discuss overall training techniques, nutrition, injuries, etc. Discussion of actual pole vault technique should go in the Technique forum.
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Re: 3-7 Training System - LoJo's injuries

Unread postby LoZart » Sat Jan 12, 2013 8:59 am

Just wanted to follow up on a discussion about LoJo's injuries.

LoJo was not injured every year from '92 on.

His injuries, and reasons are as follows:

1994 - May - detached anterior ligament due to bad landing while attempting the American Record at a home meet in Knoxville, TN.
1997 - Hamstring Injury Due to OverTraining
1998 - Ankle Sprain (60+ Successive vaults over 18' while filming adidas-Footlocker Commercial wihtin 12 hour period.)
1999- Motorcycle Accident
2000- Ab Strain - Overuse
2001 - Ankle Roll Prior to Indoor Season Start / Left Leg fracture attempting AR in 60degree and rainy weather at US outdoor championships

More than a fair share of injuries for but not only two from Overtraining.

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Re: 3-7 Training System

Unread postby KYLE ELLIS » Sat Jan 12, 2013 9:40 pm

Did the actual explanation of the 3-7 system get deleted?? What is the 3-7 system?
On a whole new level 6-20-09

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Re: 3-7 Training System

Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Sat Jan 12, 2013 9:41 pm

KYLE ELLIS wrote:Did the actual explanation of the 3-7 system get deleted?? What is the 3-7 system?

I will try to dig it up from the archived version of the forum...

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I'm in Charge
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Re: 3-7 Training System

Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Sat Jan 12, 2013 9:48 pm

OK two of agapit's posts that got truncated have been restored.

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