4 and 5 left approach, bungee 4.0m

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4 and 5 left approach, bungee 4.0m

Unread postby andy94566 » Wed Nov 14, 2012 8:19 pm

Stats for 4 left approach:
13'7" 150 UCS pole, gripping 13'
4 lefts from 52 feet.
Bungee is at 4 meters with standards at around 75-80.

Jump 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lldN1o5nbM
Jump 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJW17jZLzYo

During competition I blew through the 150 pole so at today's practice I decided to move up to the 155..

Stats for 5 left approach:
13'7" 155 UCS pole, gripping 13'
5 left approach from 65 feet.
Bungee is at 4 meters with standards at around 75-80

Jump: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ICzGCHwsXI

It seems to me that I am blowing through this pole, and I don't feel the pole giving me anything at the top. The next pole up is a 14'7" 145 pole and after this jump, I decided to try that pole out but holding at 13'3", and only planting, taking off, and holding that position. My plan for now is to warm up with the 155 pole during practice and continue to practice taking off with the 14'7" pole and get comfortable and confident with that pole.

What do y'all think?

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Re: 4 and 5 left approach, bungee 4.0m

Unread postby coachjvinson » Fri Nov 16, 2012 1:06 am

couple of things (see if you can post future videos in slow mo beginning with the last stride)
first, on your four left jumps you can continue to work your grip up an inch at a time on the same pole you are working with based on where you are landing in the pit. Continue to work on a nice high plant; your take off and swing look great: move your grip up an inch at a time only when you are landing deep in the pit.
On your five left jumps you are correct that you are blowing through your pole and your grip: the position that you are in is that you can't really move up to the next pole from that run; you don't have it in your bag so to speak. With the pole you are on at this run, continue to work on your swing and maybe even grip down and inch or two to stiffen the pole up.
The top part of your swing can improve a bit: work on finishing your swing before you attempt to clear the bar and bungee. Basically, get your hip to your top hand and then complete your pull, turn, push to clear the bar.
Your basic strategy to move up in poles and grip based on your selection and availability is fairly sound; however, you will probably need to run from at least 6 lefts (maybe 7lefts) to work that big of a jump in poles, which appears to be at least skipping one pole. If you have flex #s we can make a better estimate of just how much of a gap there is between the two poles. It's always a good idea to practice your pole plant timing and take off on the runway with a taped target or a plant box/bag when extending/changing your run.
Let me know if I can clarify on any of the aforementioned. I have effectively compensated for larger gaps between poles by extending the run a stride: my only concern with your plan is that the next pole in your inventory may stand you up on the 5L run: post some flex #s and we may be able to make a better prediction. Looks like you are doing a great job.

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Re: 4 and 5 left approach, bungee 4.0m

Unread postby andy94566 » Thu Nov 22, 2012 5:57 am

Thanks for the input,

I took your advice and pushed back my step to 6 lefts and it turns out that it was pretty good I think. I'm not sure what the flex ratings are yet however. What do you think of these jumps?


14'7" 145 UCS pole holding at 13'3". Bungee/Bar is at 4.2 meters. Standards are back to 60cm.

Jump 1 (I was trying to just take off and hold the take off position): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gHsilRx ... ature=plcp

Jump 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gStq9HN ... ature=plcp

Jump 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOxxsc6j ... ature=plcp

Jump 4 (Blew through with the standards at 60 cm so for the next jump I decided to move it back to 80cm and also lower my handgrip just 1 inch): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JX_0fkqm ... ature=plcp

Jump 5 (It felt like I was going to land shallow so I stalled out half way): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TLh0lAx ... ature=plcp

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Re: 4 and 5 left approach, bungee 4.0m

Unread postby coachjvinson » Tue Dec 04, 2012 8:56 pm

So here's what I'm seeing - I want you to think about one thing at a time - the first being swing mechanics; specifically, completing your swing.

At the top of your swing you never really close off your hips to the pole - think Bubka's and Second Pull Hip Extensions in a power clean. You have good swing mechanics, momentum and energy transfer from your takeoff and the first part of your swing: you just never really finish on the top end. I want to see you get completely inverted with your top hand to your hip; then you can pull, turn, and push to clear the bar.

I have elaborated further on this in previous posts; search my posts and let me know if you have any questions.
I will post more on your meet video as well: once again, nice work safely getting on the larger pole series.

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Re: 4 and 5 left approach, bungee 4.0m

Unread postby CoachEric » Thu Dec 06, 2012 12:28 pm

Your pole tip is dropping below eye level before your plant, which is forcing you to deccelerate in your last 2 steps.

First, fix your pole carry. Carry the pole with your left elbow down, supporting the pole from underneath, with your wrist cocked up. This will help you control pole drop and shorten the distance of your plant motion.

Then, keep your pole tip up longer, so that the tip does not cross the plane of your face until you hit your left and begin your plant. If you can do that, you will accelerate into the takeoff and rotate the pole faster, accelerating your swing.

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Re: 4 and 5 left approach, bungee 4.0m

Unread postby coachjvinson » Thu Dec 06, 2012 1:05 pm

CoachEric wrote:Your pole tip is dropping below eye level before your plant, which is forcing you to deccelerate in your last 2 steps.

First, fix your pole carry. Carry the pole with your left elbow down, supporting the pole from underneath, with your wrist cocked up. This will help you control pole drop and shorten the distance of your plant motion.

Then, keep your pole tip up longer, so that the tip does not cross the plane of your face until you hit your left and begin your plant. If you can do that, you will accelerate into the takeoff and rotate the pole faster, accelerating your swing.

Good Stuff!!))

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