State Qualifications

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Unread postby vaultguru6 » Sat Jan 24, 2004 3:34 pm

The great thing about California that I believe makes it the most prestigous state meet in the nation is that its not divided up into divisions like texas. Sure texas is the strongest state in terms of high school track in the nation, but then you have to divide that up 5 ways at the state meet. It really takes something away from being declared "state champion" when four others can stake the same claim in your event. In california the distinction of what division one is in is done away with after the league meet. Then its on to sub sections and sectionals before you get to state meet prelims. You're competing against every size school in the state, whether it be a private school of 100 peole or a public school of 5,000. This way we never miss the match ups of the best individuals in the state b/c of a difference in division. There also is one, and only one state champion. Adds a lot more meaning to the term.

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Unread postby jhesch » Sat Jan 24, 2004 5:12 pm

in New Mexico, if you clear 12' 6", you're in. (they lowered it from 13 last year.) for girls its pretty short, i think like 7' 6". shows how many way talented vaulters live here!

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Unread postby BritDawg118 » Sat Jan 24, 2004 8:34 pm

yeah, I don't like the way we divide into different divisions here in TX. Although it usually ends up being the 5-A (largest division) girl jumping the highest, then 4-A, 3-A, 2-A, then 1-A, it does kind of take away from the "State Champion" title.

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Unread postby mcminkz05 » Sat Jan 24, 2004 9:37 pm

BritDawg118 wrote:yeah, I don't like the way we divide into different divisions here in TX. Although it usually ends up being the 5-A (largest division) girl jumping the highest, then 4-A, 3-A, 2-A, then 1-A, it does kind of take away from the "State Champion" title.

yeah, here in michigan its screwed up that way too.. we have like 3 or 4 divisions i think. so we have more than one state champ in each event too. The minimum qualificatiosn to get to states change in every division too, like in the largest division, which mys chool is in, our minimum is like 12-9. he smallest divison's minimum to get to states is like 11'.
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Unread postby tim hutzley » Sat Jan 24, 2004 10:51 pm

In CA a guy in D4 only has to jump 10 feet to make it into prelims and then it goes on to finals masters and state. And for girls D4 its really low not sure how low. A girl in my league last year went to prelims with like 6 feet.

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Unread postby ennairb » Sun Jan 25, 2004 2:04 pm

it's exactly like that in florida - if you place in the top 4 at districts you go on to regionals and if you place in the top 4 at regionals you go on to states
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Unread postby Carolina Extreme » Sun Jan 25, 2004 4:01 pm

In SC we have Class A, AA, AAA and AAAA. With A, AA and AAA we go to Region Championships where only 3 from our region advance, then Lower State where 4 advance to State Championships.

AAAA has a State Qualifier instead of the Upper/Lower State Championships and the top 8 advance to the State Championships, so we seem to have the State Championships two weeks in a row but only the second one counts. :confused:

We are working toward giving bye's to the State Qualifier in case someone NH's/is injured/or sick but is otherwise deserving. They would still have to earn their way to the State Champion's via the State Qualifier though.
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Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Sun Jan 25, 2004 7:13 pm

Carolina Extreme wrote:We are working toward giving bye's to the State Qualifier in case someone NH's/is injured/or sick but is otherwise deserving. They would still have to earn their way to the State Champion's via the State Qualifier though.

In WA it is up to the league if they are going to allow byes to the district/regional meet. My league did allow them, the athletes then had to compete and qualify for state at the tri-district meet.

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Unread postby superchau88 » Mon Jan 26, 2004 1:35 am

what's the qualifying height for california boys divison II and division III to make it to prelims? does anyone know?

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Unread postby vaultguru6 » Mon Jan 26, 2004 1:59 am

superchau88 wrote:what's the qualifying height for california boys divison II and division III to make it to prelims? does anyone know?

There is an automatic mark to make it into state prelims....they determine it by taking the average height it took to make it into state meet finals over the past 3 years. However, this mark can only be attained at your section finals. Say at CIF Masters, or NCS Championships, etc. It doesn't matter how many times you've jumped it before or if you jumped it at league or sub-sections. Only the section finals. I know in 2001 the lowest mark to go to finals at state prelims was 14'6". In 2002 it was 14'8". In 2003 it was 14'6" again, i believe. So the avg of those three give you about 14'7". Thats what you have to jump at sectionals to have an automatic bid into state. Of course you could also just place in the top however many go to state meet in your section. But this way if one section is stacked, the kids that deserve to be at the state meet don't get screwed.

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Unread postby jmayesvaultmom » Mon Jan 26, 2004 8:55 am

Arkansas...if I am remembering right...there was an automatic qualifying height of 9' that got you to state preliminaries no matter what. It could be jumped at any meet during the season. Then if you were sick or NH or had a bad day at conference, you already had qualified automatically. Then each District (I think there were 4 in the state) took top 8 to state preliminaries. Then state prelims was 32 vaulters (plus any automatic qualifiers that may not have qualified at conference for some reason) that the top 8 went to state finals. :)
That's Jodie!!

A scripture that makes me think of all you girls and guys pole vaulting....

Habakkuk 3:19
The Sovereign LORD is my strength;
he makes my feet like the feet of a deer,
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Unread postby vaultdad » Mon Jan 26, 2004 4:26 pm

Based on the info you sent me, Yes you are indeed in one of the top 3 hardest districts to get out of in 4A.

The best girl jumpers in the state appear to be either the strips down each edge of the state , or right dead center.

Sorry about that . . .but you are in really good company. Don't take a look at the Class 1 or 2 heights though because you will really be depressed! :P

If you've been to the area AAU/USATF meets , PM me and let me know because I've probably been your PV official! If not, you should really give it a shot this summer.
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