What does the bottom arm do????

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What does the bottom arm do?

Not Sure
Push and Pull
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Re: What does the bottom arm do????

Unread postby nielsalofsen » Sun Oct 02, 2011 3:24 pm

Barto wrote:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHRnzXHgBDM

Thanks Barto for your video!
With this exercise you are stimulating the bottom arm pull? Why is this?

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Re: What does the bottom arm do????

Unread postby gypsy » Tue Oct 25, 2011 5:54 am

I couldn't vote. I would like to vote nothing as that is closest to what i feel, however, it isn't correct either because the left arm is still doing 'something'.

Whilst it is doing 'something' the left arm is not an active participant, it's a passive one. It is responding to the pole as opposed to acting upon it.

The 'something' which the left arm is doing is maintaining its own integrity, or at least attempting to. Its own space, elasticity, stability etc. If it is squashed it appears to push back, if stretched it appears to pull. These appearances are illusions.

Suspension is a good image to use here. The left arm acts like suspension in a vehicle. As pressure comes on it increases its resistance and as pressure is alleviated it decreases it. The sensitivity of the athlete determines the degree of subtlety with which this can adjust.

In conclusion to this mini post - Pole vault is a feel sport. The Sports Sciences are not feel methodologies. This is why biomechanics and physiology are not enough to describe pole vaulting. Push and Pull are feel words. This is why they are used in replacement of more scientific terminology.



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Re: What does the bottom arm do????

Unread postby gypsy » Sun Oct 30, 2011 11:13 am

Does anyone agree or disagree with any of that?

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Re: What does the bottom arm do????

Unread postby IAmTheWalrus » Mon Oct 31, 2011 8:14 am

It should pull

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Re: What does the bottom arm do????

Unread postby vaultman18 » Mon Oct 31, 2011 8:23 am

gypsy wrote:Does anyone agree or disagree with any of that?

NEW question???

What does the bottom arm do when the vaulter has a free take-off with proper plant???

Of course the bottom can do many things and may do different things from jump to jump, depending on the variables. But for the purpose of PVP we will assume that all things leading to the take-off are correct. So then what and why? Why would you push? What is gained by pushing the pole?

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Re: What does the bottom arm do????

Unread postby gypsy » Mon Oct 31, 2011 11:35 pm

I agree nothing is gained from this idea of trying to push the pole with your left arm. You push on the pole and it will push back.

Although there is pressure being exerted on the pole. From where is an interesting question i think,

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Re: What does the bottom arm do????

Unread postby gypsy » Wed Nov 02, 2011 4:52 pm

i think i need more advanced pole vaulting people to talk to

browsing these boards it appears only agapit actually knows what he is talking about

ive only been following petrov for 15 years and spent some time with him in formia

so possibly i can make this judgement

remember - open mindedness is the key


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Re: What does the bottom arm do????

Unread postby charlie » Wed Nov 02, 2011 8:50 pm

PRESS SUPPORT!!! NO block and NO clutch. The PRESS is UP and to the LEFT for right handed vaulters!!!!1

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Re: What does the bottom arm do????

Unread postby altius » Wed Nov 02, 2011 10:35 pm

charlie wrote:PRESS SUPPORT!!! NO block and NO clutch. The PRESS is UP and to the LEFT for right handed vaulters!!!!1

Would be nice to know what that statement actually means.
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Re: What does the bottom arm do????

Unread postby altius » Wed Nov 02, 2011 10:44 pm

""browsing these boards it appears only agapit actually knows what he is talking about""

Since you have only been registered since October of this year, I suggest that you try a bit more "browsing" - you might learn a bit more -
because this issue has been discussed in great detail over the past two years on PVP by many folk.

I am sure that someone can direct you to the right spot.
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Re: What does the bottom arm do????

Unread postby gypsy » Fri Nov 04, 2011 5:09 am

You appear to be a salesman pushing your own book every chance you get. Or were the half dozen examples i quite quickly came across a misrepresentation of the truth?

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Re: What does the bottom arm do????

Unread postby altius » Fri Nov 04, 2011 6:54 am

gypsy wrote:You appear to be a salesman pushing your own book every chance you get. Or were the half dozen examples i quite quickly came across a misrepresentation of the truth?

Yes indeed you might try reading it - you could certainly learn something about teaching and coaching the vault. . Better coaches than you are likely to become, use it as the basis for their coaching - as you will discover if you pursue this matter on PVP. But note that I first began coaching the pole vault in 1958 and I have been teaching and coaching it - up to Olympic Level - since then. Also note that both Petrov and Roman Botcharnikov (agapit to you) are close personal friends and I have been sharing ideas with the latter since I first met him in 1991. But clever folk like yourself are not interested in the facts, just their own opinions.
Its what you learn after you know it all that counts. John Wooden

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