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Unread postby iFCee » Sun Oct 31, 2010 9:15 am


I would like to ask your help. I play a game on the internet where I need to recognize sportmen from different diciplines. One of the photos they gave me is this one:


I'm pretty sure it is a pole vaulter, but i don't know enough about it to say who it is.

Can you help me please?

Kind regards

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Re: Recognize

Unread postby AVC Coach » Sun Oct 31, 2010 12:28 pm

Looks like a gymnast that just stuck a landing.

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Re: Recognize

Unread postby iFCee » Sun Oct 31, 2010 12:47 pm

It surely is someone who does athletics. But maybe just a high jumper or so who is trying to make the crowd clap their hands.

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Re: Recognize

Unread postby VaultPurple » Sun Oct 31, 2010 5:12 pm

he is clearly a gymnist. His left hand is curled so it is not a clap and there is no pole in his hand. And if you are supposed to be able to recognize him, he is not a recognizable person in the world of track of field at an elite level, because he is definitely not a high jumper.

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Re: Recognize

Unread postby Polevaulter2012 » Mon Nov 01, 2010 6:05 pm

I would say a shot putter.

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Re: Recognize

Unread postby AVC Coach » Mon Nov 01, 2010 6:33 pm

Good guess. With the green (probably grass/trees) background and the tape on the right wrist, that's a good call.

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Re: Recognize

Unread postby KLocke » Mon Nov 01, 2010 8:22 pm

I believe that he is David Storl, German shot put

iFCee wrote:Hi,

I would like to ask your help. I play a game on the internet where I need to recognize sportmen from different diciplines. One of the photos they gave me is this one:


I'm pretty sure it is a pole vaulter, but i don't know enough about it to say who it is.

Can you help me please?

Kind regards

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Re: Recognize

Unread postby CONNEXE » Wed Nov 03, 2010 1:03 pm

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Re: Recognize

Unread postby Bubba PV » Wed Nov 03, 2010 8:14 pm

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Fine work with heavier ball

Shot-putters have to dose their power carefully. One can quite well: the talented David Storl, who today celebrates his World Cup debut. Veteran Ralf Bartels sees him as his successor

David Storl now wearing no glasses anymore. He had taken off her because he had migraine. Without glasses, he just goes away migraine. They did not go away, but the glasses he gave still packed somewhere. When he was running around with these glasses, because he was frail, he was simply the David of Döhlen inconspicuous, the 150 inhabitants-Nest in Saxony. Storl must smile a bit when he thinks of this picture.

Now he is 19, almost two meters tall and has hands like frying pans and, yes, remarkable upper arm muscles. You can see his gigantic stature simply not true. Because Storl sitting on a bench in front of a pavilion in Kienbaum, the upper body bent, head down, shoulders drawn forward. David Storl makes herself as inconspicuous as possible. And, as one of the journalists, grouped around him, also says: "Udo Bayer has said: This kid fascinated me," because Storl turns his head slowly and looks obliquely upwards. It is unclear whether he is irritated or embarrassed. "Yes," he said slowly, "that flatters it."

Udo Bayer was in GDR times Olympic champion and world record holder in shot put. He was hochgedopt when he heaved the shot 22.64 meters, but that's not the point. The point is his comment on Storl. This David Storl says Dietmar Chounard, the national coach for the age groups U 20 and U 23 is "a talent of the century". The 19-year-old from the LAC Chemnitz improved this season with the six-pound ball more than once the U-20 World Record, most recently at 22.73 meters. And the men shot, 7.26 kilograms, he found 20.43 meters. "So good", says Ralf Bartels, the European champion from Neubrandenburg "I was not at his age." Bartels is 31

In Berlin Storl should only learn it is his first World Cup. And all the hype about him, he is too violent. "When I would come up with 20.40 meters, that would be great," he says. But Storl is the man who comes to Bartels, the German shot put has also for the next few years, a Topmann. "You just have to watch out that he was not burned out too early," says Bartels.

The 31-year-old has a season best of 21.11 meters. Who wants medals, he says, is against more than 21 feet, but he dares speak. Bartels is the sixth annual world ranking list, the favorites are the Pole Tomasz Majewski and Reese Hoffa, Christian Cantwell and Daniel Taylor, all from the USA. Majewski is the best season with 21.95 meters, Hoffa enters as defending champion. However, weird, strange, especially the Americans come in far less often highlights than usual in the season.

They look plump, the strong men in the ring, but shot put is a highly complex matter. It is not enough to have much power or planing very quickly. The fine-tuning makes. We must spend the planing only as much force as you can brake at the end again. Who angleitet too fast, can not keep his weight in the collision and occurs at or above the bar. So you have to figuring out the optimal speed. And everything must go fast. A surge lasts not even a second.

A key point is the transition from planing in the area of the shot. Those who lose too much time here is not for distance. Just at this key point Storl also the century talent. He barely lost in the transition speed. And measurements from the Institute for Applied Training Science in Leipzig, the biomechanics found that he had his hip when screwing better speed values as Bayer or ex-world record holder Ulf Timmermann.

Storl has sometimes tried the rotary push technology, just like that, a joke in training. Even when he came to length. Peter Sack, his roommate at the World Cup is turning pusher. This technique is learning to be difficult, but this one has so much trouble with the braking force of the dose.

Madness, talent of the century, can do little with such terms Storl. He looks at his forearms, thick as young birch trees, and says: "In the force fields I've still shortcomings." The wide open spaces that are to meet in Berlin anyway other Storl will only approaching his peak performance. This is difficult enough. On the other hand, he finds he is guilty that his followers. Which in any case, who have organized themselves. For a few weeks there's a David-in Döhlen Storl fan club.

Men's Shot Put, 20.15 Clock, live on ARD.

The coach called David Storl as "talent of the century". The 19-year-old goes without pressure in the World Cup and is regarded in Germany as the next man after European champion Ralf Bartels
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