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This is a forum to discuss pole vault technique as it relates to intermediate level pole vaulting.
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Top Question

Unread postby Tincup1215 » Tue Mar 30, 2010 3:21 pm

Quick background: 4th year coaching Vault, but 1st at this school. Got a senior who's an absolute beast. He's been jumping on 14'6-15' poles since he was a sophomore. His approach, plant, and swing are tremendous, but we're having trouble getting a consistent top. I've been doing swing-ups and Bubkas with him on the bar everyday and Rope and Pulley drills about every other day.

I saw a video of him last year clear 14'9 (his PR) where he literally sat over it with a half-turn. That tells me if we can get his technique down he is a legitmate 15'6-16' vaulter if not higher.

From what I've seen so far this season, it seems like he just went up poles so fast when he was younger that he never learned how to properly have a good top. We do straight-pole drills a lot and he actually has a pretty good top on those, but can't seem to consistently bring it over to his big pole.

My game plan for practice with him now is to put him on a 4-step and a smaller pole and work on controlling his body, staying in the cylinder, and going through the full motion.

When we do jump on his big pole, I like throwing the bungee up to about 17 ft and really work on shooting up and getting vertical, but it can get better. We also use video a lot so we can break it down a lot better.

He's a very coachable kid, anyone have anymore ideas?

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Re: Top Question

Unread postby IAmTheWalrus » Tue Mar 30, 2010 3:47 pm

The problem likely lies in an earlier part of the vault. Check the video you have and look at his step at takeoff, his body position (is he crouching or tall, is his arm straight or bent, planting tall or pushing the pole out in front of himself). If the pole isn't straight when his takeoff foot is flat on the ground then he is definitely too far inside to complete a jump well.

( That's the rule of thumb I use. Ideally you want the pole straight until the toes has left the runway, but I feel like if the pole is straight as the right knee passes the body you are in pretty good shape, if its straight when your takeoff foot is flat on the ground, its still salvageable, but if the pole is bent before the foot is flat on the ground you are in trouble, and will see the best results from fixing this).

Take a close look at the video and focus on body position through the takeoff. If that still looks good then take a look at the swing. Is he staring at the bar? Is he rowing his hands forward? Both of these actions can make it very difficult to get in line with the pole. If he can totally cover the pole such that his feet, hands and shoulders are in the same vertical plane, he will at worst jump 2' over his grip.

* All references are for a right handed vaulter

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Re: Top Question

Unread postby KirkB » Tue Mar 30, 2010 10:30 pm

IAmTheWalrus wrote:The problem likely lies in an earlier part of the vault.


If you're reluctant to publish his vid, then you can email it to me and I'll keep it confidential and give you a private reply. No problem at all. Just PM me.

Run. Plant. Jump. Stretch. Whip. Extend. Fly. Clear. There is no tuck! THERE IS NO DELAY!

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Re: Top Question

Unread postby Tincup1215 » Tue Mar 30, 2010 11:26 pm

I'll post some vids, the problem is there all on another kid's digital camera but I'll be glad to show you guys

Walrus - I definitely understand what you mean by his take-off. He does have a tendency to take off under a lot because he runs so dang hard especially at meets. I see what you mean about his body position at take-off. The more I think about it, the more it makes sense on how that is affecting him in the air. I'll try to get some videos up so you guys can see.

Thanks a lot

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Re: Top Question

Unread postby Tincup1215 » Wed Mar 31, 2010 10:38 pm

Worked on this take-off a lot today and about getting in the proper position. He understood what I meant and how it's effecting his top especially after seeing it on video. Just the dang kid goes so fast sometimes he gets out of control. Had a couple of jumps where he took off in the right position (at least pretty close to it), and he could really feel himself getting more vert and getting in the right position in the air.

I'm still trying to get some vids to put on here, but your tip definitely has helped Walrus. Hopefully in a month I can post a Before video and After video.

Thanks again guys, really appreciate it :)

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