My biggest y2y improvement was 1982/1983: from 3.60 to 4.21 or 61cm (11'10"-13'10" or 24"). The reason: in 1982 I was off vaulting for 10 months. My second best improvement was 1984/1985: 40cm (16"), from 4.30 to 4.70 (14'1" to 15'5"). The reason? Nothing particularly: little bit more practicing, become stronger and faster, and (finally) got some poles.
Here are Bubka's numbers. Nothing spectacular except two 31" improvements in early years. But, he was able to keep at least 6" progress from 5.40 to 5.94 (17'9" to 19'6").
Code: Select all
year result (m) progress (m) result (ft) progress (in)
1975 2.70 0.00 8'10" 0.00
1976 3.50 0.80 11' 6" 31"
1977 3.60 0.10 11'10" 4"
1978 4.40 0.80 14' 5" 31"
1979 4.80 0.40 15' 9" 16"
1980 5.10 0.30 16' 9" 12"
1981 5.40 0.30 17' 9" 12"
1982 5.55 0.15 18' 3" 6"
1983 5.72 0.17 18' 9" 7"
1984 5.94 0.22 19' 6" 9"
1985 6.00 0.06 19' 8" 2"
1986 6.01 0.01 19' 9" 1/4"
1987 6.03 0.02 19' 9" 1"
1988 6.06 0.03 19'11" 1"