Bubka Data 5.85 Meters @1987 IAAF Indoor World Champs.

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Bubka Data 5.85 Meters @1987 IAAF Indoor World Champs.

Unread postby dj » Wed Dec 09, 2009 1:21 pm

Bubka 5.85 Meters @1987 IAAF Indoor World Champs.
Attempt two, successful
Grip 5.10m

Approach Run…….

Speed Penultimate Step…………………………………....………9.46 m/s
Length Penultimate Step………………………………………...2.10m

Speed Last Step…………………………………………......………9.54 m/s
Length Last Step……………………………….…………...2.04m

Plant/Take Off…………

Vertical extension of the plant arm…………………...……..…….99.4%
Height of CG at takeoff……………………………....…….1.29m/4’2.9”
Take off toe……………………………………......…...10cm/3.9” “under”
Distance Takeoff toe to back of box………………………4.37m/14’4”
Takeoff angle…………………………………………………....16.4 degrees
Relative amount of pole bend at take off…………………………1.6%

Swing/Rock back……………

Maximum pole bend………………………………....………...……. 27.1%
Time of maximum pole bend after TO…………………………..49sec

Lower & Upper hand Release…………..

Time of lower hand release………………………...........………….1.10sec
Horizontal displacement during extension, pull, turn.………..61cm
Vertical displacement during extension, pull, turn…….....……1.46cm
Pole angle (to vertical) at upper hand release………………..……92.5%
Distance between CG and pole.(- means CG behind pole)... -1cm
Height of CG…………………………………………………................ 5.14cm
Height of CG above top hand @ upper hand release….….....33cm
Time of upper hand release……………………….........………………1.11sec

Flight and clearance…………….

Maximum height of CG………………………………….…..........……..6.12m
Penetration of the CG at maximum height of CG…………105cm/41.7”
Difference between Bar and Maximum CG height…………27cm/10.8”
Time (from TO) of maximum CG height………………………….1.50sec

Last edited by dj on Wed Dec 09, 2009 8:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Bubka Data 5.85 Meters @1987 IAAF Indoor World Champs.

Unread postby vault3rb0y » Wed Dec 09, 2009 2:04 pm

Do we know how his CG correlates with his body position at bar clearance? How high were his hips above his CG at maximum CG? From this, can we calculate how high we could have theoretically jumped? Im assuming his clearance is piked which brings his CG below his actual hip hieght.

Impressive 105cm penetration at maximum hieght clearance. Even with the stands on 80, it would seem that he blew through quite a bit. Are these types of results common for this type of analysis?
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Re: Bubka Data 5.85 Meters @1987 IAAF Indoor World Champs.

Unread postby dj » Wed Dec 09, 2009 8:11 pm


i added some data on the lower and upper hand release up above....

the pole was only at 92% of vertical at release.. but his CG was "behind" the pole (on the runway side)

his peak was still way behind the bar!!!... and he may have known he was blowing through and got off the pole early..

he still had the parabola to clear 5.85 with room in front and behind..

Last edited by dj on Thu Dec 10, 2009 7:22 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Bubka Data 5.85 Meters @1987 IAAF Indoor World Champs.

Unread postby VTechVaulter » Wed Dec 09, 2009 11:02 pm

Dj i am really disappointed... of all the information that YOU of all people left out... no mid number? tsk tsk.

haha. sorry. i was just curious
Brian Mondschein
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Re: Bubka Data 5.85 Meters @1987 IAAF Indoor World Champs.

Unread postby dj » Thu Dec 10, 2009 7:21 am

good morning,

sorry wasn't there to catch it... :D but it can be estimated from the last two steps... would love to have video to compare to the data..

from my view of the data he could have gripped higher on the same pole (2/3/4 inches) and cleared 6.20 with the standards at about 65/70.

The extra grip would give him more vertical height in a tighter parabola.


ps.. right at 17.00m or 55-6ish

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Re: Bubka Data 5.85 Meters @1987 IAAF Indoor World Champs.

Unread postby vault3rb0y » Thu Dec 10, 2009 12:05 pm

Very interesting stuff! I like it :)
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Re: Bubka Data 5.85 Meters @1987 IAAF Indoor World Champs.

Unread postby CONNEXE » Thu Dec 10, 2009 6:01 pm

Compare this with the data of Renaud Lavillenie's 5,80 at the recent world championships in Berlin:

His last recorded speed: 9,49
Penultimate recorded speed: 9,54
Take-off point: 4.65

Last step: 2,30
Penultimate step: 2,10

Among the 15 finalists he was the only vaulter who significantly lengthened his last stride (on sucessful jumps).

Any explanation ?

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Re: Bubka Data 5.85 Meters @1987 IAAF Indoor World Champs.

Unread postby IAmTheWalrus » Thu Dec 10, 2009 6:27 pm

Is 4.65 a typo, or is renaud really taking off at 15'3? I can't thought he was usually a little be inside, so unless he's gripping higher than bubka, wouldn't his takeoff be closer? Also, anyone have any other data on renaud, like height, weight, pole length, pole weight?

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Re: Bubka Data 5.85 Meters @1987 IAAF Indoor World Champs.

Unread postby VaultPurple » Thu Dec 10, 2009 8:04 pm

In a lot of the videos of Renaud jumping big heights he has a relatively free take off if not perfectly on. And since he is shorter than Bubka, that would put his step farther out if they were gripping the same place.

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Re: Bubka Data 5.85 Meters @1987 IAAF Indoor World Champs.

Unread postby VTechVaulter » Thu Dec 10, 2009 11:01 pm

hes not gripping nearly as high. its a cut down 5.0m pole (look at the bottom of the pole) .. 14.5 i believe.
Brian Mondschein
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Re: Bubka Data 5.85 Meters @1987 IAAF Indoor World Champs.

Unread postby CONNEXE » Fri Dec 11, 2009 5:26 am

He jumps on new 5,10 m poles (flex number around 14.5).
He always takes off near 4,50 m (on or slightly out).
This is not surprising as he is less tall than Bubka.
What intrigues me is the fact that he is lengthening his last stride. On all his successful attempts in Berlin his last stride was about 20 cm longer than his penultimate stride.
(Most other finalists failed when lengthening their last stride.)

When looking through the literature I found only one article on straddle high jump (from the seventies), where they recommended to lengthen the takeoff step. In this case the approach speed is rather low.
According to certain theories a good takeoff is characterized by the fact that you push with your free leg (non takeoff) and then go over your stretched takeoff leg (acting like a pole).
Eventually, Renaud is doing this to perfection, pushing strong enough with his right leg allowing him a long take off step over his stretched left leg without losing speed.

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Re: Bubka Data 5.85 Meters @1987 IAAF Indoor World Champs.

Unread postby dj » Fri Dec 11, 2009 11:22 am

good morning,

the major issue is if the "body" mass is moving up when/as the pole hits the back of the box (best) or just after .. and if his body reaches/passes veritcal at/or just before...

was the article about Pat Mazdorf?? a straddle jumper or a "flop" jumper.. who wrote it and about whom??


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