Need to borrow some poles

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Need to borrow some poles

Unread postby IAmTheWalrus » Tue Nov 17, 2009 9:28 am

Hey guys,

One of the kids I'm coaching is in a rough spot right now. He's 135 lbs, and the only two poles we have around his weight are a 13'120, and a 14'155. He can use the 13'120 from 2 lefts, but its a bit small, and the 14' 155 is a little big from 7 lefts now, although I'm sure he could get on it if he had some intermediate poles. My question is if anyone could lend me/UMBC any poles in that range. Poles I have in mind

13 155
13 145
14 135/13 155

or any equivalent pole.

Thanks a lot guys.

Nick Burnett
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Re: Need to borrow some poles

Unread postby bel142 » Mon Nov 23, 2009 2:13 am

If your w/ UMBC you should look into contacting hipathletics, they probably still have their pole exchange program going on, they relocated from NJ to Elkton Md?...

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Re: Need to borrow some poles

Unread postby Steph » Fri Jan 22, 2010 5:49 pm

Hey Nick,
I have a series of 3 poles that you guys can borrow, I am sure we can set something up if you still need them.
You can PM me, but I have a 12'6 something that would most likely work, a 13 - 155 and a 14 - 135 (maybe 145) I forget it has been so long since I have taken them out of the bag. :crying:
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