Club-Scored Meet in Cambridge, Ma - Aug. 22nd - MITPVC

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Club-Scored Meet in Cambridge, Ma - Aug. 22nd - MITPVC

Unread postby barragan » Wed Aug 12, 2009 6:24 pm

USATF New England requested that MIT Pole Vault Club host a club-scored meet for our second meet on Aug. 22nd.

For each gender, the heights of the top two vaulters from each club will be added. The places will be based on the sums, and genders will be scored separately. It is going to be a lot of fun. And of course anyone from the clubs can compete. No club is limited in the amount of competitors that can jump.

If you do not have a club to jump for, you are still welcome to come and compete. Your heights will still be recorded and reported in the results. However, you will not be placed in the club scoring.

All the details and any additions or changes can be found here:

And don't forget about our Prom Vault coming up on Aug. 29th. All the information about that can be found at . Grab a date and come on over.

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Re: Club-Scored Meet in Cambridge, Ma - Aug. 22nd - MITPVC

Unread postby barragan » Thu Aug 13, 2009 11:29 am

If it is relevant to anyone, the following is the email Steve Vaitones of USATF New England sent out about the meet:

The MIT Pole Vault Club is hosting two more meets before the end of August.
The meet will be held at Steinbrenner Track at MIT, Cambridge MA.

On Saturday, August 22, with the cooperation of MITPVC and USATF New England, the meet will be a team scoring competition.
This idea has been talked about for several years in several formats, but if it doesn't get off the ground (pun intended) this year, it's another year of talk
The meet is USATF sanctioned.

Clubs - USATF members only from any association, no pick-up clubs - will be scored based on the combined heights of top 2 men, top 2 women, and combined men/women.
Unattached are welcome, but the aim is to further strengthen the vault club group that is growing in New England (and beyond).
All competitors must be USATF members or members of their home federation.
Club affiliation will be based on the club of USATF membership if there are any questions or multiple club memberships.
The fee is $15 per athlete.
There may be videotaping of the comeptition

Even if your club is not quite in championship season mode, or if you only have either women or men, we hope you will field a scoring squad in at least one division
There will be some awards and some refreshments.
Club coaches/captains should encourage athletes to select opening heights which will ensure at least one clearance so all clubs will have a score.

See for details, and contact Patrick Barragan directly for specific directions
Note: This meet does NOT have the opportunity to move inside so keep an eye on the weather; we'll let clubs know if there are issues.

We hope to see you at the first NE PV Club Challenge competition


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Re: Club-Scored Meet in Cambridge, Ma - Aug. 22nd - MITPVC

Unread postby barragan » Mon Aug 24, 2009 4:42 pm

The meet turned out great. Thanks to everyone who showed up. The results can be found here under the Meet 2 section:

And don't forget about the MIT Prom Vault this Saturday, August 29th.

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