Wizard of Oz, Alan Launder Vaultfest in Texas - Help Needed

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Wizard of Oz, Alan Launder Vaultfest in Texas - Help Needed

Unread postby Bubba PV » Sun Mar 29, 2009 9:28 pm

My great friend, world renowned author and coach extraordinaire, Alan Launder is coming from Australia to The Woodlands High School on Saturday and Sunday, June 20-21. Our school is 25 miles north of Houston. Saturday will be an all day competition ($20 each) featuring BBQ, music and the guest of honor, Alan Launder. On Sunday we will have a clinic from 9-1 PM for $60. Come out and meet Alan and grab his book and DVD!!

NOW – I need some graphic help. Of course you know the natives call Australia “Oz” so for this weekend; I’ve deemed Alan to be the “Wizard of Oz”. I LOVE GREAT vault T-Shirts but too often the vaulters are poor drawings with bad technique. Design me the greatest vault shirt ever for this event. Combine the use of photos and any other graphic type of design with PrintShop or whatever works for you. My idea was to put Alan’s head on Bubka’s body during a jump but I know you can do better. MUCH better I hope!!

I’m paying $100 for 1st prize, $50 for 2nd and $25 for 3rd. Winners will have their work posted on my website at http://www.bubbapv.com. If we choose to use the 2nd and 3rd place winners design also, they will get an extra $25. Deadline for entries is Sunday, May 3, at midnight CDT. Winners will be paid via PayPal or check and payment will be confirmed by Becca as I will copy her. If you have got printing connections let me know some pricing on that too. The more colorful the design the better. I prefer a white shirt so the focus is on the design. Thanks in advance for your help and ideas!! Bubba
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Re: Wizard of Oz, Alan Launder Vaultfest in Texas - Help Needed

Unread postby Bubba PV » Mon Apr 13, 2009 8:16 am

We have a winner in the T'Shirt design for Alan Launder's upcoming meet and clinic. The artist is Jodi Altendorf, wife of masters legend John Altendorf. OUTSTANDING job!! Bubba

To view the winning graphic, please go here http://keptwoman.org/shared/pvp/Wizard- ... z72max.jpg

Becca if you can tell me how to post this within my message rather than a link that would be great. Thanks!
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Re: Wizard of Oz, Alan Launder Vaultfest in Texas - Help Needed

Unread postby KirkB » Mon Apr 13, 2009 2:08 pm

Very nice T-shirt!

Bubba, to insert the pic into your post, you need to reduce its size down to 74% so that it's no more than 256Kb, and both dimensions are less than 600 pixels. You can do this in Microsoft Office Picture Manager. If you just double-click on your .jpg file, it might be the default. Otherwise, in Windows Explorer, right click on "Open With ...", and select "Picture Manager. Then "Edit Pictures", then "Resize", then "74%", then "OK", then "Save As ...".

Now in the PVP PostReply Window, click on the "Upload attachment" tab (below the Save Preview Submit buttons) . Then "Browse", select the .jpg with the reduced size, then "Add the file". Finally, locate your cursor to where you want to insert the pic, then click on "Place inline".

I could do this for you if you'd like me to (or John could), but I just didn't want to spoil your thunder. ;)

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Re: Wizard of Oz, Alan Launder Vaultfest in Texas - Help Needed

Unread postby cdmilton » Mon Apr 13, 2009 2:42 pm

Or since it is already hosted somewhere you can just link it by clicking the Img button when you edit your post and paste the path right where the cursor is set between the brackets.

Here is your image:
Chris Milton

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Re: Wizard of Oz, Alan Launder Vaultfest in Texas - Help Needed

Unread postby Bubba PV » Tue Apr 14, 2009 7:56 pm

Thanks for the direction and posting guys. AWESOME!!

I'm sure you guys get a little tired of average PV shirts at meets so I was thrilled at how Jodi took the proposed concept and ran with it. I've already ordered one for myself, my training partner and The Woodlands PV coach off of www.zazzle.com. Thanks again guys AND Jodi!! Beautiful!! Bubba
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Re: Wizard of Oz, Alan Launder Vaultfest in Texas - Help Needed

Unread postby master » Tue Apr 14, 2009 11:28 pm

T-shirt-Oz_PVP.jpg (97.9 KiB) Viewed 9418 times

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Re: Wizard of Oz, Alan Launder Vaultfest in Texas - Help Needed

Unread postby Bubba PV » Mon Jun 01, 2009 9:23 am

Due to Father's Day being on Sunday, 6/21, we will have our clinic with Alan Launder on Monday June 22, from 11 to 5. Hope to see you all there. Bubba
Bubba Sparks - www.bubbapv.com

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